Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Progesterone Genital Warts


ARAM ...

sweet and loving friend of mine, as MYHEART careful with your words, my soul with your breath
of my being with your hugs,
have your company's mo feel the quality of the first rays of sun
to your friend you has given comfort to my life
you have filled my dark colored existncia
quuisiera serca
have you ever, feel the quality of your ablaze as I walk in eternity
in your hand ......... ...

v *** v ** **

Stomach Pains And Peeing Alot

Aztecs Poems

Aztecs Poems
For those who like the Aztecs, I leave something here that literary culture, to learn about the peaceful side of this great people

Ye "and nonehuaz in tlalticpac? Ye "and tle
in nolhuil?,
zan nitoliniya;
tonehua noyollo,
tinochiuh in ayaxcan
in tlalticpac, e cate.

Shall I straighten up the earth?
What is my destiny?,
I'm needy,
my heart is suffering,
you're just my friend
on earth, here
- Nezahualcoyotl (Poet King of Texcoco and Azteca, known as "El Rey Poeta") Yn

chalchiuhtli tete YCA,
quetzalli popoztequi,
to mohueyotepilhuanitzin,
miquiztlahuanque, c
amill Ypané onca, Mexica

mehetla Atempan

The Jades and quetzal feathers,
stones have been destroyed, my biggest
intoxicated by the death,
sown there in the water, in
water's edge,
Mexicans in the region maguelles.
- Netzahualpilli (son of Nezahualcoyotl, the second king of Texcoco)

Ceceppa tetlaocolhuetequiti,
in yequichihua in yemexica.
Nexhuihua, in omoxcuinque,
in nahuitica yniman ic on huehueti, Tomac xochitl chimalli
onmania. Auh in nelli
Mexica in noxhuihuan,
cecentecpantica, ontecpantica,
in huehueti, Tomac xochitl chimalli

and again wounded by the stones, the Mexica
My grandchildren, the painted face, the four corners
they beat the drums, flower
shields remains in your hands. The
real Mexico, my grandchildren,
stay in line, stand firm, they beat the drums
, flower

shields remains in your hands
Axayácatl (emperor of Tenochtitlan)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tech Deck Live Game Data

Barcelona Book presentation: Pain and the body language "in Barcelona.

This paper published by Grama EDITION is the result of an investigation into the possibility of a clinic, from psychoanalysis, the "pain" body as a symptom of fibromyalgia. As Vicente Palomera says in the foreword: "The Phenomenology of the pain subsides, as demonstrated in Santiago Castellanos, structures, types and various clinical phenomena, why should bear in mind that this is distinguished from the forms classical hysterical conversion, the "intricacies of the body" present in ordinary psychosis, without forgetting the psychosomatic phenomena and forms hypochondriacal own delusional state. "
The book takes a journey on the impasses of medicine in chronic pain and fibromyalgia, the conception of pain Freud and Lacan as enjoyment throughout his teaching, the fundamental coordinates of the conception of the body in psychoanalysis and clinical elements of a differential on bodily symptoms that respond to different clinical structures. All epistemic joint is held with the illustration of many cases and clinical vignettes.
In today's world that the discourse of psychoanalysis is questioned by obsolete and outdated, in which cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to impose their hegemony, this research is to bear witness to the reason for the existence of psychoanalysis, the possibility of treatment in the coordinates Lacanian psychoanalytic orientation.

Juan Ramón Lairisa. Psychoanalyst, member of the ELP, director of the BCFB.
Santiago Castellanos. Psychoanalyst, Doctor of Family and Community Medicine, a member of the PRS.
Rosa Calvet. Psychoanalyst, AME of the PRS, a professor at the Barcelona Clinic Section ICF.
Francisco Burgos. Psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, member of the Community of Catalunya of the PRS.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lorna Morgan Milk Tits

" Better than going to therapy.

By Joaquin Rivers. Psychoanalyst in Madrid.

This title is the text of a propaganda that came out on February 12, 2010 on page 13 of the Country. Is a phrase that appears, using the technique of perspective, on top of the page on a black background widespread. Large print and anodyne and a rising size darker than white, is leaking from left to right, in a side, not looking in front of the reader. A point rubric the phrase as not leaving no room for questioning. No use of the ellipsis, which would open up the game a little to the imagination, nor the quotes, which would point the irony is a strong statement. Below

object: a beautiful red Mini Cooper, which is not inside that on the black lights shining, showing a large-eye headlights that serve to guide us along the path to happiness, away from the darkness of the malaise of existence. We

then the text of the Other and we have the object. Where do we place the subject? The subject is the black background top left, dumb, attends the proposal superego.

analysis is interesting to what is proposed in this propaganda, as it expresses, in the open, one of the darker sides of the ideology of consumption. If you are worried or any symptoms you are doing absolutely go to therapy, discard this idea and buy a Mini Cooper. This car will fill the void, still his questions, will order in the manifestations of your body, smooth your thoughts recurrent resolve conflicts in their social bond, will bring new possibilities to your love life or solve problems with the partner, will respond to their dissatisfaction, and so forth. Is the proposal that the object of consumption reign of subjectivity, that subjectivity takes over making it to disappear behind the object result in satisfaction.

The idea behind this propaganda, the daughter of collusion between capitalist discourse and the explosion of technology against subjectivity, is "a psychological therapy for symptomatic subjectivity we propose therapy consumer object "A true contraterapia. Seldom heard in advertising as a stark approach consumption as therapy. That is, careful consumer discourse of the discomforts of the subject and how it tries to find in the dialogue with the Other relief, via a psychological therapy, propaganda attempts to seize the resource, via the proposed acquisition of a object as therapy! Obscenity consumption openly revealing its most sinister: the joy of healing. Ie: buy-enjoyment and be cured.

Also read also the idea that the way the object of consumption is better, more effective, cheaper, shorter, less committed, more relieved, more aesthetic-cold lyrics against glowing red and silver car-less enigmatic, without the other ISP, safer in the sense of face as the car is the subject face, surrounding, enveloping, protecting him. Phallic face par excellence, the car would restore the power lost via a subjective pleasure that only needs the gaze of the Other to be confirmed.

And yet, something to rescue: the signifier therapy is brought to the forefront as a possibility, which rejects the propaganda, but there's a brand in the text. Perhaps when the consumer object brightness exhausted the possibilities of phallic and lose the effectiveness of plugging fleeting anguish, then arises the significant failure therapy as an alternative to the oblivion of subjectivity.

from: http://www.blogelp.com/ 03/16/1910.

Friday, March 12, 2010

North Dakota Sleep With Shoes On


Why a Forum?

Because it is necessary to explain the risks of limited assessment of the figure, which silences the particularity of each human being.

Because the criteria of false science, held today in the ideology of the evaluation, the indiscriminate use of questionnaires and the arguments of scientific evidence, intended to eliminate subjectivity in culture, art, college, the field of health care, in the legal, educational and social, ie in all those areas that concern human beings. Science does not imply that.

Because all human disciplines are increasingly imposing a bias quantifier. Based on a supposedly equal treatment overrides the differences between human beings and promotes a homogenization whose effects are devastating. The evaluation installed on its grounds a deep mistrust of professional knowledge, their work is increasingly focused on meeting the requirements of the evaluation system, filling out questionnaires and compiling statistics.

Because if all the individual related interventions are evaluated with a standard are quantitative only for the poverty of thought and mental automatism.

Why autism? Spain

Because autism has become an urgent case: two proposals, one from the Popular Party of Spain addressed to the Senate and another the Catalan parliament, have caused great concern among professionals who for years devoted to the diagnosis and treatment autism. These proposals only understand autism as a cognitive impairment to be reduced and as a learning disability to be pedagogically treated.

Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan emphasized the particularity of human being, a being of language which differs from other living beings. Human language is not merely a system of signs, but a complex symbolic structure, since the words are articulated with the subjectivity of each and the social bond is suffused with the particular subjectivity.

Psychoanalysis understands well that the treatment of autism can not be reduced to models of behavior training and to simplify the complexity of speech and human language communication exercises.

Autism is not a deficiency not only a clinical category, but a way to limit the speaking being placed within the language and social ties. Because

necessary to continue maintaining speaking being the heart of the enigma that constitutes it and because autism teaches us so.

Why a Forum on autism?

To argue and think about the risk we all if we lose sight of the subjective dimension, that dimension which involves the real is not limited by science.

For professionals, who have psychoanalyzed and those who come to psychoanalysis today what they know: that psychoanalysis is a science in full force, bringing the understanding of a man who escapes real science, and so that studies, develops and compares it for over a century.

For civil society and their leaders are aware of this situation is that the etiology of autism is poorly understood and treatment bias on the grounds of an alleged scientific evidence is falling into a false deduction and a tremendous recklessness.

not limited to the provision of treatment to a single theoretical model that denies the right of citizens to choose which treatment they prefer for themselves and / or children.

numbers are beautiful, yes, provided they can be accompanied by words.

imposed assessment figures at the expense of words and thus the silence.

But remember, the lyrics are always unknowns. Posted

for Autism Forum.


Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSaturday June 19, 2010, 10 to 19 hours.
Auditorium World Trade Center.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Miost Reliable Computer

PRESENTATION OF THE BOOK: "The pain and body language." Bilbao

Bilbao presented the book with a large audience and friends reunited after a long time. It was a memorable trip for me. Then

public comment submitted Cristina Califano:

"Good afternoon, I must thank to share this evening of the Library Headquarters in Bilbao of the PRS, with you as always for some time are the perfect partner in this wonderful afternoon we passed the Library. And I must add that my appreciation is threefold: - By being here, "By sharing a table with Santiago Castellanos" And an excellent book, and as the books are for use, they are read, they are stressed, they put color etiquetitas . But the books also makes them speak, they are asked, we seek answers to these questions, the books are a wonderful tool for talking to them and theirs.

propose therefore, not a dogmatic presentation, rigid, but a conversation, a chat with each other to comment on this book I have here in my hands, I read with delight and I think it is absolutely rigorous. I was very interested in the book. It's a real lesson for us and I'll explain why I think this.

This text we have in our hands, "The pain and body language" is the result of an investigation. Of research in psychoanalysis, within the framework of the Barcelona Clinic Section. It's very interesting to read along the entire route from the text how, to my understanding, a first contingent of the young doctor meet with patients suffering Castellanos pain, he himself outlined in the book's introduction, where we gives a first hint: the case of a young actress with a sore knee doctor nothing to justify his appearance; interrogated by the subjective coordinates can be placed what had happened, in the words of the author "had to work on the elaboration of mourning for the symptom succumb where the pain had not demonstrated any effectiveness." Given, as well Castellanos says, the pain is not measurable or quantifiable. How to explain this clinical experience of pain?.

So it's very interesting, we read in the text and references to the pain of major medical associations, point out a few: "Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential injury or described in terms of the injury " "Pain is whatever the patient says it is" "Pain is what the person who experiences it tells us at the time and place that he feels, and the intensity that says he has." That is, even in these associations quantify everything, there is a plus, is not explained, which in my view is not quantifiable. We propose, Castellanos considered "chronic pain, the cause is organic, as a subjective experience, as a manifestation of body language.

For psychoanalysis the body speaks its own way, sometimes as heartbreaking, and may consider this symptom as such, as an enjoyment or as a support with a function in the joint body of the psychic apparatus. " The first meeting quota, the pain of the actress, Castellanos said to my way of understanding a second meeting: a rheumatology service circular reference hospital health center, which states that patients suffering from "fibromyalgia" were not referred for rheumatology service was collapsed by the claims and analgesic therapies were not effective and it was not clarified the cause of the disease. And my reading, this background can ask the question that will guide their research: is it possible treatment of fibromyalgia with the orientation of psychoanalysis?. We

we teach by Castellanos, the question as thread, it calls into question many things, First, and I understand it, fibromyalgia is presented as an identificatory signifier It can take under his wing a number of conditions, which as unexplained fall on their side. Exactly, I agree with Castro when he notes that there is no treatment for fibromyalgia, in a time of development of science where there are machines ever to photograph the subject of unlimited, hundreds of medical tests, studies and an invaluable list etc ., which would square when subject to find the ultimate cause. But, as seen James well in his text, the body is not sick.

In fibromyalgia, the body suffers the body. Fundamental distinction in psychoanalysis. The body is affected by the signifier.

Out of curiosity, I went to Google, "Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" transcribe: "Fibromyalgia is a term coined in 1976 (Latin: fiber, referring to tissue, from the Greek myo, muscle and algia: pain). It refers to a group of symptoms and poorly understood musculoskeletal disorders characterized by persistent pain, extreme fatigue, stiffness, variable intensity of the muscles, tendons and tissue surrounding soft and a wide range of other psychological symptoms including .... Is a non-contagious disorder present between 3% and 6% of young women, usually between 20 and 50 years of age. Fibromyalgia is considered a controversial diagnosis, some authors argue that there is a disease by the negative results in the search for objective data through tests to confirm the diagnosis. Research in the past three decades have shown CNS disorders that affect brain regions that may be linked both clinical symptoms as phenomena discovered during investigations ... ... etc. We can see clearly how that which has no clear objective explanation is due to a deficiency in the CNS. It's interesting how the tools of the era, such as the Internet, give us significant that allow to explain the suffering of the same for everyone. And it is very interesting as we explained Santiago, pain is a symptom that asks for nothing. Indeed, the pain goes to the doctor, the friend, the Internet, to seek answers where there are no questions. Verified throughout the text of Santiago Castellanos, that there is a possible treatment for fibromyalgia, which is the subject to engage in a question for your pain and that's picked up by someone that makes this same your bet. "
Cristina Califano