Thursday, January 28, 2010

How To Mount Nfs Most Wanted

Commentary on "The pain and body language"

By Joaquim Caretti.
Psychoanalyst in Madrid

1 .- What takes this book?
This book is thinking about fibromyalgia and the pain from a different perspective to the consensus for science and meddle where there is something that does not work, clearing in a unique way. It is held in an extended care practice of patients with fibromyalgia, first treated by doctors who subsequently referred to a psychiatrist. All this within a research program agreed with the doctors themselves.
The central hypothesis of this book is that chronic pain without identifiable organic damage is related to the unconscious structure of the subject. Pain has taken the drift of the body, taking over this and that, permanently installed, it makes life unbearable to the patient. What is interesting and I leave for the debate, is that Santiago Castellanos transclĂ­nico speaks of a symptom, ie can do this in any structure. This prevents think fibromyalgia only, such as converting an expression in a hysterical structure. It is possible to understand, then, this symptom as an "all purpose", which brings us to the enigma of the relationship between body and language. We may wonder why this chronic pain is manifested in any structure, or rather, could it be that is the medicine which, under his gaze phenomenological unifies in a single diagnosis that is a pain radically different for each subject?
understand that the work of this book is to answer this question because their intention is, in most cases, bore the significant master fibromyalgia, the unifying diagnosis, where all patients are equal before the law regulating medicine for more than assert that there are no diseases but sick. This does not mean that there are no doctors who do not follow this maxim but it is a task against the current prevailing scientific discourse that believes in the diagnostic categories at face value. Physicians who inhabit the sea islands in the dominant discourse. You can bet to make islands and then a continent.

2. A political book
From what I am saying is clear, in my opinion, this book is a political book. If we understand what sustains policy Alain Badiou, "The policy is not performing as possible but politics is the creation of new possibilities" we can see that the text is a political reading of fibromyalgia that is contrary to the depoliticization of everyday life as what we live every day is exactly the realm of possibility, and this text is going to mess with the impossibility of a pain does not subside, pain that was emphasized as a real sense but showing the face of it more authentic suffers. Is a clinical trial that does not conform with the possible but aims to create new opportunities to the word via the transfer-enter the body and relieve himself. Santiago task Castellanos describes as "an operation of de-identification of the subject so he could talk about what you own and unique" is not a book
innocent as it is a sharp cut with the ideology of medical discourse: there is a sore subject that, by being included in fibromyalgia as a universal categorization, is prevented from doing work on their own unconscious. Remains attached to a signifier which, although in some cases it can help the giver of identity that is going to encourage the establishment of pain in the body. This text political combat, policy for all the same thing in the medical field, takes place in any order of life: politics, economics, psychology, ethics, culture, sports, education, health, religion, social assistance are dominated by this speech. Nothing is beyond the discourse that attempts to treat the discomfort of the plugs, in the form of suggestion, deception, storytelling, imposition or violence.
Thus this text is to argue that there is a confrontation between two ways of understanding the approach of discomfort. Cognitive-behavioral therapies-speech Master-that attempt an adaptation of the patient to their situation and psychoanalysis that seeks to put as northern approach to the symptom of any subjectivity of the speaking being. Is not this confrontation which we live also social as when we see how the dominant discourse wipes out any form of emancipatory politics subjecting the masses to the misery of a life lived in the solitude of his enjoyment? I think so. So psychoanalytic discourse is a subversive discourse, not revolutionary, as it aims to question the strength of love in all areas, making the construction of the ordinary not to mention the indelible mark of the unconscious and enjoyment. So the position of psychoanalysts never be a comfortable position, rather than remain exclusively in their offices thinking they do not have to do with politics. It is the discourse of psychoanalysis that goes beyond the psychoanalysts unique.
also want to emphasize that this book reads an ethical position that is to say for the welfare of the patient. Search the sufferer may well say his discomfort and thus find ways of its resolution, a new departure for the "pain highway" as the figure used in this book.
3. The author
Finally I want to say that this book is the fruit of the intellectual trajectory of Santiago Castellanos, but not only. It is also an expression of a course of life ranging from medicine to psychoanalysis, via the experience of the unconscious. Freud is a path: the desire to cure the non-desire to heal, the etiology of the absent cause, protector of all the unique solitude. Caretti Joaquin Rivers


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