Thursday, December 27, 2007
Eiffel Tower Party Decorations
Merry Christmas to all. From the youngest to the oldest.
I like the song, White Christmas Ohhhh, nieveeee, lara lara ri ra ...
Well, sorry for neglecting the blog, always, since I was in the womb, when I felt like I had posted, that is, when I wanted, for now, do not ask me why I'm not sorry.
Well, Just, sometimes it is better not to post when it comes to ... and if you say it, every one of your post seems to come from your soul, or without content or any life, it's just that you need to give you the more times than me. No ...
Anyway, remember my friend emily? The post of the most ridiculous scenes in your life? ... Well just tell them, that is no longer my friend ... what it is, what will?
Merry Christmas, a few days ago I met a saint, was a taxi driver, and then tell them ...
Monday, December 3, 2007
Bmi Data For Females From Canada
words of my old ...
"A happy man is one who is a straight line on the three basic things which every human being ... think, say and do "
is, if I do what I say and what I think, I am a man of integrity, right and happy.
The point is, my old Why I say this to me? ... Precisely because in some moments of my life I have done those three things (think, say and do) differently !
The truth is that in all I'm not a liar or crook or charlatan, but there are moments in life where it is difficult to maintain that line ... no ... I think they are those points in what do you know think it would be nice ... .. what you say is what you feel you should say ... and what you do .. do you want to do, and hey there's the problem, sometimes you want to do is not what you know to be "well " ...
In essence, in my case, I talk about women, women, women!, You know something is wrong, that there should be, but your whole body and the very fact of the ban ... I call that!, To do it! ... and do it now! And then as
express that? I mean, when somebody asks you and says ... " Hey you know that it is wrong, why do it? " ... I guess that's when the great comes up short but always effective sentence .. " not."
That "no." is very easy to say, and do not talk about phonics, I mean the bit commitment involved, I mean the freedom it gives you to "do things" with a "not knowing" why do ...
try to stop using the "no", I promise. I think that will help me in my attempt to maintain consistency between this "think, say and do." You think?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Driver Creative Extigy
From today I will post with my new tool .. Windows Live Writer ! ... downloaded it installed and even made portable (so the charge from my USB stick without being installed on each PC).
All this I owe to Eruntale who recommended the tool and the truth, I will not leave, I find it much easier to post pictures, tables, maps, etc!
Let's see if we increase the number of posts per week with this little program. No doubt, as I said eruntale the best product of the Live suite.
See, to a new post!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Listerine Pocketpaks Date f Orma part of an awareness campaign of the United Nations. It is a question of responding to a question (something simple) and click on the correct answer 10 grains of rice donarás to l World Food Programme United Nations. already funded enough rice to feed 50,000 people!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Masquerade Ball Invitations Templates

From afar this is one of the most important news in the world of cyberspace, however not seen in many places, fortunately came in menéame question ... is ... and when will remove telluric ? ... hehe
Presented officially Google Mobile Operating System: Free and in partnership with other companies
-awaited Google Phone Android and is called "the first comprehensive platform, open and free for mobile devices." Is the result of collaboration with more than 30 companies and is based on Linux. Participating companies such as Samsung, T-Mobile and Telefonica.
Dirson The link to Google is:
Google's Android Phone: officially launched the project and the Open Handset Alliance '
And how is Google? Well, better than ever, his actions just redial a record rise by 2 percentage points.
The truth is we still have to wait until the first half of 2008 to see the first mobile operating system (that's the rumor), and the design ... as are many rumors as well ... out there found that probably the first pictures are here ... only God knows!

Animated Cell Phone Jokes
This meme passed to me from DejameSer , and as I promised Eruntale ... here it is!
Take the nearest book, go to page 18 and transcript line 4:
... Google is Organized around the Ability to Attract and leverage the talent of exceptional Technologists and business people ...
Today I went to a Google Talk in my college and gave us a booklet, that's the closest I had ...
Account last thing I saw on TV:
??... In teeele assume, without lying about two months ago I do not see on TV ... or maybe more ... the last I saw on TV (that is, in the device, because I saw a movie on DVD) was " The Tiger and the Snow ." It is the third time I see ... I love that movie.
Apart from the noise of the computer, what else is listening to right now?:
hairdresser's husband Pedro Guerra of , assume ... the movie and the song are awesome!
When last time you laughed?
today after Google Talk with my leg Juan Pablo ... not that sonsera told me and I had no more to kill me with laughter ...
on the walls where you are now?
Well, I'm on my computer in my living room, so all the walls are filled with my paintings ...
How do you dress / a at this time?
Polo Blue and Black ... if I know ... how boring, but if you want to invent a dress more racy call me 0-800-Angeli Hot Line ... hehe
Something that bloggers do not know about you:
If you do not know is because I have not posted here and that means we do not know ... hehe
How are your hands?
passable but with a tendency to fail, because I much thunder fingers
What you see from your window?
The neighbor's car. : '(
What image could define you?
The burning giraffe Dali ...
say that the worst thing you can do is explain a picture, like a poem, but still ... to explain is that ... hehe ...
here Dalí undoubtedly wanted to place the essence of life represented by the equilibrium (back climbing and held by timber), the order, the shock (happiness, God, etc..) Astonishment is a philosophical concept rather used and all in conjunction with suffering while "life" symbolized by the giraffe ... and that way of playing with the black sky in the background ... driving a horizontal vanishing point that juts into the paint and the classic mastery with I used a teacher's perspective ... Dali.

Step this meme a. .. JL
La Gata Caliente (sono Malaz)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Heinz Honey Mustard Nutrition Facts
The truth, I had never heard of this guy, but this video just to prove he is a great human and worthy to be placed as an example. The video can take you to the edge of tears if you look carefully, especially when it leaves the image (so controversial and upset but at the end, I feel love) the pope.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Pokemon Soul Silver Rom That Works With Desmume
Having Butter hands is one thing, but this has no name!
Military Alphabet Maker

children should be the real guides of this world, to know the end ... every human being who did something for the world was a child dreaming inside ... and it costs nothing to a childhood dream to become a true adult ... if at the end .... Life is made of the same fabric of which dreams are made ...
You have to give everything ...
(A true story)
many years ago while working as a volunteer at Stanford Hospital, I met a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare disease.
Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat it.
The doctor explained the situation to the brother of the girl, and asked if he would give his blood to his sister. The talk after explaining all the child was:
Doctor-"And that's son, that your sister would be cured, tell me, will you?"
Little Boy, "Hmmmm .... well okay, if it's because Liz is okay to heal .."
As the transfusion progressed, he brother lay in bed beside her sister and smiled, as we all did to him and his sister, seeing the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, " do I start to die? ."
Being just a boy, had misunderstood the doctor, he thought he would give all his blood to his sister, and then die. And yet it was ... And did not think for a minute!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Sportster Handlebar Install
Well, one way or another relate to this post ... no?
Ranking of the Top 10 Universities Peruvian
Then the first 99 ...
World Rank Institution * Country 1 Harvard Univ USA 2 Stanford Univ USA 3 Univ California - Berkeley USA 4 Univ Cambridge UK 5 Massachusetts Inst Tech (MIT) USA 6 California Inst Tech USA 7 Columbia Univ USA 8 Princeton Univ USA 9 Univ Chicago USA 10 Univ Oxford UK 11 Yale Univ USA 12 Cornell Univ USA 13 Univ California - Los Angeles USA 14 Univ California - San Diego USA 15 Univ Pennsylvania USA 16 Univ Washington - Seattle USA 17 Univ Wisconsin - Madison USA 18 Univ California - San Francisco USA 19 Johns Hopkins Univ USA 20 Tokyo Univ Japan 21 Univ Michigan - Ann Arbor USA 22 Kyoto Univ Japan 23 Imperial Coll London UK 23 Univ Toronto Canada 25 Univ Coll London UK 26 Univ Illinois - Urbana Champaign USA 27 Swiss Fed Inst Tech - Zurich Switzerland 28 Washington Univ - St. Louis USA 29 Northwestern Univ USA 30 New York Univ USA 30 Rockefeller Univ USA 32 Duke Univ USA 33 Univ Minnesota - Twin Cities USA 34 Univ Colorado - Boulder USA 35 Univ California - Santa Barbara USA 36 Univ British Columbia Canada 37 Univ Maryland - Coll Park USA 38 Univ Texas - Austin USA 39 Univ Paris 06 France 39 Univ Texas Southwestern Med Center USA 41 Vanderbilt Univ USA 42 Univ Utrecht Netherlands 43 Pennsylvania State Univ - Univ Park USA 43 Univ California - Davis USA 45 Univ California - Irvine USA 46 Univ Copenhagen Denmark 47 Rutgers State Univ - New Brunswick USA 48 Univ Manchester UK 49 Univ Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh USA 50 Univ Southern California USA 51 Univ Florida USA 52 Univ Paris 11 France 53 Karolinska Inst Stockholm Sweden 53 Univ Edinburgh UK 53 Univ Munich Germany 56 Tech Univ Munich Germany 57 Australian Natl Univ Australia 58 Univ North Carolina - Chapel Hill USA 58 Univ Zurich Switzerland 60 Carnegie Mellon Univ USA 61 Ohio State Univ - Columbus USA 62 Univ Bristol UK 63 McGill Univ Canada 64 Hebrew Univ Jerusalem Israel 65 Univ Heidelberg Germany 66 Uppsala Univ Sweden 67 Osaka Univ Japan 68 Purdue Univ - West Lafayette USA 69 Univ Oslo Norway 70 Brown Univ USA 71 Univ Leiden Netherlands 72 Univ Sheffield UK 73 Univ Helsinki Finland 74 Univ Arizona USA 75 Univ Rochester USA 76 Moscow State Univ Russia 76 Tohoku Univ Japan 78 Case Western Reserve Univ USA 79 Univ Melbourne Australia 80 Michigan State Univ USA 81 Univ Nottingham UK 82 Univ Basel Switzerland 83 Boston Univ USA 83 Ecole Normale Super Paris France 83 King's Coll London UK 86 Stockholm Univ Sweden 87 McMaster Univ Canada 87 Rice Univ USA 87 Univ Goettingen Germany 90 Indiana Univ - Bloomington USA 91 Texas A&M Univ - Coll Station USA 92 Univ Birmingham UK 93 Univ Utah USA 94 Nagoya Univ Japan 94 Univ Freiburg Germany 96 Arizona State Univ - Tempe USA 97 Lund Univ Sweden 97 Univ Iowa USA 99 Tokyo Inst Tech Japan 99 Univ Bonn Germany 99Univ Strasbourg 1 France
Journal Of Gene Medicine Impact Factor
A picture is worth a thousand words, nature loves us, but were so long and would have us out of here ...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Citalopram Overdose Pain

At first I was not very excited with the idea but after seeing the girls (as usual) had already bought the materials and had some good ideas, as we encourage and did something worthy of being photographed ...
We also have a traveling comedian frustrated at the team, which was to outrage and a half with an ax and executioner costume .. haha, here's a pictorial exhibition of what it was this character.

Our theme was .. "The dungeon BIP " ... my BIP project's codename, and the dungeon is about a year ago because we want to go but for various topics can not close the project due to renegotiations reconversaciones and slightly abnormal in ordinary project. Anyway ... we even did a symbolization of those project members who died in the attempt to exit gracefully from the BIP!

Haha .. a greeting for the people ...