From afar this is one of the most important news in the world of cyberspace, however not seen in many places, fortunately came in menéame question ... is ... and when will remove telluric ? ... hehe
Presented officially Google Mobile Operating System: Free and in partnership with other companies
-awaited Google Phone Android and is called "the first comprehensive platform, open and free for mobile devices." Is the result of collaboration with more than 30 companies and is based on Linux. Participating companies such as Samsung, T-Mobile and Telefonica.
Dirson The link to Google is:
Google's Android Phone: officially launched the project and the Open Handset Alliance '
And how is Google? Well, better than ever, his actions just redial a record rise by 2 percentage points.
The truth is we still have to wait until the first half of 2008 to see the first mobile operating system (that's the rumor), and the design ... as are many rumors as well ... out there found that probably the first pictures are here ... only God knows!

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