on a very beautiful sisters Prue and Paiper had a piece of land where they planted flowers were sisters who were very joined together, one day one of them would go to the market before they arrived late, as this was very removed from the home, in that a Paiper Prue told they were going together so that both sisters went to the market.
Both were talking and laughing, to reach the market around the world, waving, to buy the things they needed went back to his home, but half of Prue way I hear something, and gave
"I think someone is following us, you hear the footsteps of a horse
Paiper replied Prue who will be true, but nobody is sure is the wind.
At home they had purchased accommodated in that night came and both sisters went to sleep, but at midnight you could hear a noise, as if someone forced the door at that roused Paiper Prue.
And he said that Prue
Yes of course, but it sure is the wind, heard that someone broke the window, you hear that Paiper.
"Yes, of course, it's best to see what happens, is not it.
"Okay, I'll see if I call low to help, but if not it does not go down and you hide it or run away, I got it.
. It is OK
-Promise me
"Okay I promise.
In that Prue under the stairs to see what was happening, she screamed, in that Paiper went to look, in that recalled the promise he made to his sister, so under carefully and was to appear. But down the stairs he saw a man, who beat her sister, while she doing everything possible to get free, but Prue had seen his sister and look with eyes that are out and fled, in that the abuse of her subject, and Paiper not stand it, and headed toward the subject, his sister crying and suffering scream "do not do ... please .."
Knowing that these words were addressed to her came out of the house, he heard many noises in the house, the screams of his sister, in that everything is calm, Paiper suddenly saw the guy out, and ran it in to the house to see as was his sister.
found it on the floor, with his clothes torn, and in a pool full of blood, pale and almost lifeless, took her in his arms and that She said:
-Prue, we're going to answer me you see the doctor, go please answer me.
In that Prue slowly opened his eyes he saw his sister whispered:
Paiper "I'm sorry, but I think I'll stay single, I that I will life, take good care ...
"I do not say that Prue, do not leave me do not you dare leave me, fight for life, hold on to life
- I love you .... With tears welled up in his face Prue died in the arms of her sister .
Paiper was heartbroken, felt that half of his soul was taken away, but seeing his sister as the tortured, she said
- Prue I swear, that made you pay for the damage it did to you.
It's been 3 years and is the day the richest landowner in the region gives a feast to all the people. His name was Rodrigo, which was already married and had three children, Mai, Richard and Terry. That day everything was the best, but in the evening, lay down to their children and was with his wife Athena, and said
Atena know, are the most valuable thing I have besides our children are everything to me.
In that Athena said: You also Rodrigo, you're the man whom I love with all my heart. A day in the hacienda, the maid of the house and fell gravely ill in bed, costing lives. In that Rodrigo decided to go to the market the next morning to see if I got a maid.
Upon arrival, met all the people and said
My maid died yesterday, so I come to ask for one, who wants the job.
hit the market in that a girl they called Lisa and said
pattern "I want the job.
Rodrigo said, okay bring your stuff to the ranch a half day to settle.
-okay, I'll be there lisa said.
smooth By the evening went to the estate, was ordered and began work, while a few months, Richard was ill, had high fever and step one week and died the next morning.
His parents were devastated with the loss of his eldest son, the lady was very sad and almost inconsolable. After three months Richard's death, Mai fell into bed like his brother, Athena stayed all day watching her youngest daughter, praying to god that it is not removed, but their pleas were in vain and died Mai.
Rodrigo did not know what was happening, but the doctor said everything looked normal when he went to his room and wanting to hug his wife that he threw and said
-Leave me alone, go away, go away
was sad, aching indifference his wife
But the last three days of their children died of the same illness of children, but with a faster death.
Athena was really bad, it appears that Avian taken his life, seemed dead in life, Rodrigo was sad and devastated by the loss of their children and the absence of wife.
After three years the situation is calm, all was well Avian differences and the pain ceased and with it the arrival of a baby, all on the estate were very happy, and smoother, took an afternoon tea as usual to the patterns, but on waking Rodrigo was tied in bed saw his wife tied to the wall. And there was Lisa with a knife in it began to torture to Athena, made her suffer so much in the end in pieces limb from limb. Rodrigo said that because to all this, and she replied:
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