The Bloc-Notes by Bernard-Henri Lévy
Paris, October 15, 2009
Of course suicide is a mystery. Of course, nothing is more hazardous, dangerous, even hateful, they want to interpret, a posteriori, often acts without words, and choosing, in such cases, hiding behind his own secret.
And of course, in this mystery, suffering more subjective, personal, intimate and unspeakable, inconfensable, has always, and necessarily, on their part.
What is not prejudice. These now famous
suicides mourning France Telecom company (but also from that bank, Renault or Peugeot, or the National Education ...) are a new phenomenon emerged ten years ago, and has, by definition , a new reason and logic.
little we know, the little that we say the first results of field surveys conducted by doctors, researchers and sociologists of work have dealt with these dramas, shows that 24 of France Telecom does not desperate were not particularly vulnerable, nor officially depressed or unhappy in his family well in their homes, or in love.
But it's also the problem we can take the place we want to commit suicide so, choose going to die, not a bridge, not a train station or behind the closed door of his bedroom, but in his office kill it, literally, at work, waving the corpse in front of his own employer and make a final and poisoned gift, sacrificed on the altar of an institution to which he has devoted a large part of existence and that has become for him a monster again and cold, like the gods of Anatole France, are thirsty for the blood of his followers, makes the message is fairly new and, in some cases, when the bomber left a letter , be explicit and clear enough to us to take the hassle and once we finish doing the ostrich policy.
are three issues which, in fact, reveals the epidemic of suicides:
1. One form of pressure - employees call it bullying or management by stress and fear - that there was no doubt in the same grade in the world until now.
2. The importation into the world of business from a culture of evaluation about which we are certain, with Jean-Claude Milner and Jacques-Alain Miller (Want to be assessed?, Miguel Gómez editions, Manchester, 2007), Agnès Aflalo ( L'Assassinat manqué the psychanalyse, Cécile Defaut ed., 2009) or Yves Charles Zarka (Cités, number 37), we have warned for years that it was literally a culture of death and for death.
3. The drop in short, systems of solidarity, in other times, made the pad and that this ideology of the evaluation, ie the individual skills, ie, the "every man for himself" and the "walk or bust," he methodically devastated: how many workers demoralized, weak, faint were formerly protected by peers?, how many idle peers have told them "okay, you heavy drinking, do not go this morning, we will do yours ", how many employees, until recently, have been ready to quit but have been preserved at all costs in the circuit through a chain of friendship and mutual aid? , that has all blown up by the double whammy of the agony of the unions and the powerful rise of the culture of selfishness, none of that works and the new social climber furious based on the mobility and the fragmentation of jobs , it is just so, so desperate and definitely not alone, as were formerly farmers when they were having the sad record of the number of suicides on the job.
So, I repeat, we must avoid over interpretation.
We must resist the temptation to find one single fault whose appointment, as if by magic, I would solve everything. And although words have been uttered vile, and although the wording of France Telecom pattern that reduces the wave of suicides at a "fashion" (despite being excused), is obviously unqualified, we have to avoid anyone making a scapegoat.
Because we have a problem there is obvious and, with the crisis of subprime and other hedge Founds, forces us to ask for our economic and social model.
After all, born of modern sociology, to Durkheim, from a reflection on suicide.
A book about suicide, his disciple Maurice Halbwachs, was half a century later, laid the foundations for the representation of society in which we live today.
I do not see why we should deprive us, in the series of Durkheim and Halbwachs, an uncompromising reflection on the new social unrest on an increasing unease in the civilization of which they testify, I want or not, these tragedies in series.
worst thing would be to say nothing and trivialize it.
worst thing would be to consider this phenomenon as part of the risks of trade or, more horrible yet, drown in the statistics of the "National mortality" as absurd as indecent.
Devaluing the mirror that reflects us, would kill again in the dead of France Telecom. Translation of Jesus
Ambel, with the kind permission of the author through the good offices of Agnès Aflalo
http://www.bernard-henri-levy.com/france-telecom-mode- d% e2% 80% 99emploi-le-point-du-15102009-2984.html
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