On April 9 was presented the book at the headquarters of Barcelona on a PRS event organized by the Library. Then public intervention Francisco Burgos, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in Barcelona.
Presentation of the book of James Castellanos
"The pain and body language"
Francisco Burgos
"The cult of the success of today's society requires not support these issues ... We make sense of the pain, just so overcome. "
Szczeklik Andrzej (Polish physician)
thank the Library of the ICF, its director Juan Santiago Ramón Castellanos Lairisa and for offering me the opportunity to participate in the presentation of this book, important to understand some issues pain and suffering from a reading oriented by psychoanalysis.
Santiago has chosen an interesting but difficult to board and has done so from a perspective that has surprised and pleased me, hence the importance of this book takes for me both on the job of explaining the "symptom" pain, especially chronic pain and fibromyalgia primarily, as do reading guide for clinical work when it presents the question of body. Because he found a large and rigorous study of the references to this subject that Freud developed but especially Jacques Lacan and its applications to the clinic.
Why say this? Always in the history of mankind, men have dealt with both physical and mental pain or very existence. Most studies on this subject have been approached from the anthropological or sociological perspective, saving those who attempt to provide a neurological explanation, ie an organic substrate-causal to pain or their way of training and feeling. Santiago was facing from the study based on the path of subjectivity, the unconscious of psychoanalysis. Us closer to the medical clinic through psychoanalytic treatment.
I want to make a reference to style, amazing writing style, straight, telling the reader, explaining the concepts of so as to facilitate the continuation of the journey in this complex subject, monitoring the references in the order it has taken so chronologically from the psychoanalytic and the logic they present. Respectful manner while strictly to other discourses such as medical discourse and psychology, pointing out possible locations for meeting and collaboration. He himself takes its starting point in the intersection of medicine and psychoanalysis. While that presents the text along with clinical joint.
From the beginning of the first chapter is this your experience in clinical practice and the stories of patients with subjective experiences that we exemplify and in many cases enables us to bring us closer to the subject treated in the book. That is why I read with great interest since its inception and is directed for both Lacanian psychoanalytic orientation to professionals in the field of medicine, psychology, especially for those who despite being traversed by the desire to heal, are divided from their experience in clinical work, past and the early years of curandis furor, I think, even for people who want to learn the knowledge of the clinic on pain and body.
The book's title
I was struck by the very title of the book from I met him. For me, I have medical training, raises a question that is still essential when it comes to professional public health network, and is the subject of "languages" and his own "body." The author gives an account of the difference between body and body for psychoanalysis from the impact of language on the body. Thus making these two significant "pain" and "languages" in the plural, to make a tour of the subject's body, indicating the route that makes Lacan who finally raise the predominance of "having" 'to be regarding the body, ie having a body .
Today sees a new dominance of medical discourse in which you want to put the accent on the actual body, including in the field of psychiatry across as Miller JA enlighten us of significant neuro-in Specifically in our practice is usually equivalent to that brain.
While building the comment I raised the question of what place to give the pain?
Pain in the medical clinic and mental health
Looking back, and if the data on which story is correct, it is a "symptom" while non-specific and universal has been the first in the field of medicine that has resulted in specific treatment units, the same as today we begin to assist their development in the field of mental health. The first "symptom" which itself has led to the creation of what are known as pain units that were established after the Second World War.
Medicine does not ignore the involvement of subjectivity in the experience of pain but to date has failed to find a biological marker that allows oriented classification of pain and its intensity despite investigations are underway, for implementation in different protocols.
Here therefore lays the importance of this book, the fruit of their work for DEA, which takes the pain and discomfort out of all design and crosses sociological or anthropological references offered by the Freudian psychoanalysis Lacanian and gives us his own research conducted in his private practice and primarily in a Primary Care Center of the Social Security medical conditions that are currently very present in the modalities of pain such as the so-called "fibromyalgia" and the "chronic pain syndrome."
We propose the hypothesis of fibromyalgia as transclínica take. It would not be able to refer to medicine but we have today Psychiatry transclínica mode has won the game to structuralism. In my opinion this issue is developed from the introduction into the therapeutic effects of psychotropic drugs (particularly antidepressants), in the way they have been implemented in clinical practice, they have done to resolve symptoms, a practice that has pervaded current ways of doing psychiatry.
This implies a step, take the patient to query from the name identification of your discomfort: I have fibromyalgia . Just to raise a previous from a work which attempts to the contrary that may result in the establishment of a question, suggesting they talk about it. Starting historicizing of his discomfort to give account of subjectivity from their pain. Will determine what kind of language in each case, transclínico passage from the clinical case by case, which has very well illustrated throughout the book with a series of cases, which bring light to this clinic, which is not new in itself but in the consideration being given from different places.
This gives us a tour, and clinical structures showing the different clinics, different way to work and function as they engaged in each of them: pain and symptom events body, psychosomatic phenomena and phenomena of the body in psychosis.
He leads us to make this journey through clinical cases, since the beginning of the book, through a case borrowed from Freud and here you can link it with the input Freud, to pursue their own cases of research carried out in a Health Centre of the Community of Madrid and in private practice. Already in the field of psychosomatic phenomena borrows a case of Patrick Monribot and then returns to his own practice.
particular caught my attention in clinical cases the presence of women in the events of the body, men in body phenomena in psychosis and psychosomatic phenomena testimony, which adds another the hypothesis of this book is that often appear in the course of fibromyalgia, says: is a constant in the clinic that fibromyalgia patients have many symptoms that could place the side of psychosomatic phenomena (p. 85) continues: way of saying this is specific to Lacanian psychoanalysis. This topic always introduces a difficulty for the physician and the ways to tackle them. Since the medicine was commonly thought, and somehow it seems appropriate to me so, that it is a cul de sac where you put all that in some way is an enigma to the knowledge we have at the moment and that is expected a clarification in time to come, with the scientific advances that are achieved. Privileged place for the suggestion, the scientistic and delusional construction.
In the years of the School was always complex and paradoxical use of the word "essential" [i] to name the issue of unknown etiology, subject Moreover recurrent symptoms of pain, and in this book is well clear, when approached from psychoanalysis.
ending To go
In Santiago I know through the ICF Research Group "Psychoanalysis and Medicine", he maintains a blog by that name for some years and this allowed us to know his work when he was invited to the "Stage" Group Annual.
thank you again for the research work embodied in this book. Book that allows a rate difficult to stop reading out of curiosity aroused and at the time that you bring to the job. First by the proper passage of the references to the body and pain especially in the work of Lacan's reading of Miller JA, and in my opinion because some of its assumptions are striking and interesting that is why further research, especially for those who have medical training. Generates job transfer. Thanks.
[i] Salvat In the medical dictionary in its third sense says disease of obscure etiology and without demonstrable changes.
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