scientific authoritarianism is a necessary and illuminating essay written by a rigorous scientist able to convey their thoughts in prose fast and fun. H was edited by Miguel Gomez Editions.
Peteiro Javier began his discussion by distinguishing the false science of science. Science as an ally of lights, is far from the scientism that pervades the dominant social discourse. Showing in these pages how, at this time of push transparency, opacity imposes derivative of scientism. Warning us about the scientific ambition to predict the human and transform according to criteria of normality defined from science itself: "This opens up a path to scientific authoritarianism say what is good and what is bad, and not just what we should do but also how we must be from genetic and behavioral manipulation. " This work shows the trend to the overestimation of science scientism implies. Science so conceived becomes dogma, its disseminators of new priests, and their results, the only hope. Thus, if something is added the qualifier becomes unquestionable scientific and prevail over any other decision criterion. Vanishes and the freedom of choice, even in the political arena. So what will be scientifically correct equivalent of political correctness.
After a development critical well documented on the supposedly scientific fallacies, concludes his work by stating that scientism is the new faith atheist who tries to fill the vacuum left the decline of traditional discourses. If science is sacred, any criticism of the scientific assumptions will be judged as backward. This leads to a new model of civilization.
text is a high epistemic value, but also an ethical commitment to freedom.
text is a high epistemic value, but also an ethical commitment to freedom.
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