years for all. In 2010 I hope will be a year with more freedom and human rights. A year is made more for the environment and sustainability of the planet.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Watch Digital Playfround Movies
years for all. In 2010 I hope will be a year with more freedom and human rights. A year is made more for the environment and sustainability of the planet.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Can Fake On Community Service

Santiago Castellanos.
This paper published by Grama EDITION is the result of an investigation into the possibility of a clinic, from psychoanalysis, the "pain" body as a symptom of fibromyalgia. Is the result of clinical work I have done for five years, following many women diagnosed with fibromyalgia. As
Vicente Palomera says in the foreword: "The Phenomenology of the pain subsides, as demonstrated in Santiago Castellanos, structures, types and various clinical phenomena, why should bear in mind that this is distinguished from classical forms of hysterical conversion, the "intricacies of the body" present in ordinary psychosis, without forgetting the psychosomatic phenomena and forms its own hypochondriacal delusional state. "
In book takes a journey on the impasses of medicine in the treatment of chronic pain and fibromyalgia, the conception of pain as Freud and Lacan to enjoy throughout their education, the fundamental coordinates of the conception of the body in psychoanalysis and elements for a differential clinic on bodily symptoms that respond to different clinical structures. All epistemic joint is held with the illustration of many cases and clinical vignettes.
In today's world that the discourse of psychoanalysis is questioned by obsolete and outdated, in which cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to impose their hegemony, the research work is to bear witness to the reason for the existence of psychoanalysis, the possibility of treatment in the coordinates of Lacanian psychoanalysis guidance.
December 10, 2009. Madrid
PLA Headquarters. c / Gran Via, 60. 2 º Left.
Speakers: Joaquin
Caretti : Psychoanalyst and medical. Member of the PLA and the team at the Library of Madrid. Rosa López
: Psychoanalyst, Director of the PLA headquarters in Madrid. Teaching
of Nucep. Vicente Palomera
: Psychoanalyst, President of the Federation
European School of Psychoanalysis.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Public Male Mastubation
Case report published by Gustavo Dessal, psychoanalyst in Madrid.
K. came to me for the first time about six years ago. A man who currently has forty-two years, working in a technical trade a very large company. They work very seriously, and through a system of overtime and intensive sessions may take a week or ten days a month in the provincial town to which he belongs, with his family and his girlfriend.
Life was very difficult. Whoever saw it, they make contact or conversation with him, at most could appreciate a taciturn man of timid and frightened. But imagine the inner torment in which he lived, where he has lived ever since his early childhood, as in the practical aspects of life is someone who works a normal and orderly. He lives alone, caring for her home and her person, physical exercise, is educated and apparently well adapted to the social faces.
However, K. relationship with peers was truly difficult. The humane treatment caused him anguish that at times reached the intensity of panic, but managed to conceal it with great effort. I could hardly bring any kind of conversation with your co-workers, and that the terror would stop and sometimes prevented him from uttering a word. This situation was exacerbated in the presence of male subjects, and was somewhat less severe with women. He had no friends, and out of work living in absolute solitude. This solitude is mitigated when he traveled to his hometown, where close to his family, especially her sisters, she consoled the suffering that afflicted the rest of the month. Whenever I had to return to Madrid, I felt a desperation that often made him think about suicide.
When we started talking, K. was convinced that his problem was to people before his voice disappeared. It was not easy to figure out what he spoke. For a long time I stayed in the position of not understanding what I was trying to explain. He insisted again and again for me retells his symptoms, and he answered with the certainty that his voice disappeared. There was a hoarse, nor a mute, but her voice, her true voice, was replaced by another, a voice that was not hers and that feeling drove him crazy, to the point of wanting to kill himself. On the other hand, he could not remember the beginning of this phenomenon. Your answers to my questions in this regard was vague and imprecise.
I should clarify that the patient that you have read a lot about psychology and psychiatry, let me know that it was not to listen to voices. Intruder's voice was a voice that no doubt he issued, but at the same time rejected because it was not "authentic." Sometimes I wondered if I could tell the difference between the tone of voice that he called his own, and the other the improper tone of voice, a voice that will steal your identity. As an example, could initiate a session as follows: "Do you realize that today you do not talk to my voice." For my part, I expressed my inability to perceive the difference, while accepting that there must be no doubt, though I could not grasp. During the first year of analysis discussed much on this issue, until one day he told me that his feeling was accompanied by another, who had not dared to say. Every time his voice disappeared, while he had the impression that your penis got smaller, as if to mess inside. I was quite aware that this idea was absurd and impossible to really happen, but could not avoid the physical sensation. This gave me the opportunity to ask if their terror to confront their peers was because he was not sure of being male or female, and I explained that, in effect, to the others he was experienced as a being devoid of definition sexual, but made it clear that he liked women and had no homosexual inclination. I clarified that completely lacked the "feeling of being a man", which should not be confused with any kind of homosexuality. However, with perfect rigor, adding that his inclination towards female not dispelled the feeling of being a child of indeterminate sex. He asked if I felt that he could be a repressed homosexual, and I said not at all like me. One can perceive here quite clearly that the problem is about sexual identity, but an inability to "declare" sex, ie, tie enjoyment to the unconscious.
In his memory, the life of K. was always the same. There was a before and after a moment of rupture, a point which might place the onset of symptoms. However, over time we discovered that this was not exactly true. According to the testimony of his family, he was a child apparently "normal" to three years, cheerful, sociable, and playing with other children in the street. But after that age, something happened to him. Became fearful, introverted and stopped talking. His father, a neighborhood police spent most of his time on the street, but K. grew not part of the outside world. The patient has always had the impression that there was for his father, and that he did nothing to put your child in life. Despite being a quiet and caring man, the father inspired a supernatural terror. This transformation, which we consider as a release of the Other, an effect of foreclosure, was accompanied by a symptom that has a major clinical interest because it constitutes an element of continuity in the case. For many years, until puberty, suffered a diurnal and nocturnal enuresis, which had used the diapers, and recalls with perfect clarity the intense sexual excitement that gave her contact his mother when he changed his clothes wet. By interrogating these memories, I discovered that it was not exactly a bed-wetting, ie a lack of control, but even during the day anywhere urinated in a "deliberate." I think that this behavior was more like a passage to the act, which highlighted the emergence of a untied drive, a separate enjoyment of the unconscious, which by all means trying to evacuate out of the body. We can state, then the following sequence: foreclosure, release of the Other, loss of narcissistic image, relocation of enjoyment, and an attempt at defense.
After some reconstruction the past, we conclude that the onset of urinary symptoms coincided with the birth of the sister who follows him, when he was three. Did not retain the slightest memory of the birth, although he could remember other things from that era. The hypothesis of the birth of the sister as a traumatic event in his life he liked it, and incorporated as an important element for the understanding of your case. But he added something else that I have explained in a simile. One day I said that a father is someone from the child reaches a certain age should take the hand and lead to a brothel to start in sexual life and manhood. I explained that it was a metaphor, which once it was done really, but what he tried to explain is that he lacked the symbolic gesture of his father, who was something his father did, not transmitted, and that That is why "I am the way I am." Help build a replacement family novel has been a fundamental aspect of the cure, because the patient said from the beginning of treatment is considerable interest in investigating the cause of his illness and, as we shall see, the construction of a artificial Oedipus complex has been of great value. Urethral symptoms ceased at the beginning of puberty and it was probably then when the problem of voice, although I have not been able to verify this hypothesis.
For primary schooling, K. went through an experience of solitude. With great effort, and helped by the compassion of teachers, managed to complete these studies. As currently happens in moments of relaxation at work, when to socialize with peers in the school playground stood alone in a corner without speaking or close to anyone. That loneliness was the greatest source of pain, a searing pain, despair, which often led to my query in the form of a compulsive sobs choked by shame and hatred life. K. believed that his father was to blame for what happened to him. I thought I had not given permission to be a man or, rather, to feel as such because if a man had no doubts. His father opened the way to the street to the outside world. Has now changed his mind and believes that this lack father was unintentional, but the product of not knowing how to do better, but for years to his father experienced a hatred and bitterness without limits. All this construction
pseudo-Oedipal, conducted in a totally spontaneous, allowed K. organize a discreet delirium, and provided a number of references to place the problem of the cause, that he is concerned above all else. For him there is sufficient relief from their symptoms, but is determined to get to the bottom of things. I should add that the patient has never taken medication, and flatly refused to receive such assistance.
During the analysis, K. met his girlfriend, a woman then married with two girls, which remained the first and only sexual and emotional relationship. A mother with two daughters, a suitable partner that plays your family history. Of course, K. is well aware of this, and do not need interpretation. About two years ago, she has been divorced and continues maintaining a link with my patient.
After a long time we turn to the issue of voice, there was a significant shift that changed the symptom, and also allowed a purification of the structure. The phenomenon of voice had the disadvantage of involving a very difficult to reintroduce enjoyment in his family novel. We know, according to Lacan's observations, that the ear is a hole that can not be closed, which means it is very difficult to defend against the invasion of the called object. I suggested that since he was convinced that others saw the disappearance of his voice, that made him more vulnerable to the gaze, and therefore the feeling of shame. Immediately accepted my words, and he told me something I never dared to say: I was quite sure that his colleagues knew that he had enjoyed his enuresis, and that was why he could not stand being with them. The other was the look of a father, the disapproving gaze, the gaze that condemned its existence. But at the same time, returned that look to be some consistency. Be guilty of a forbidden pleasure was preferable to being invisible, absent, or not entitled to it, which was undoubtedly linked to phi zero and the effects of this foreclosure at the level of feeling of life. Very slowly the issue of his guilt replaced the phenomenon of voice and retraction of the penis. But the possibility of introducing such a feeling in the oedipal meanings allowed to resolve the terrible shame that caused him to show her naked body (eg in the gym locker room or the bedroom with his girlfriend), and decreased aggressive tension underlying all ties social. Discovered how to profit from its image as it is a handsome man, and use it in their favor, which has functioned as a screen against the enjoyment of the Other. Mr. K.
reached an important conclusion, as a result of deep processing. He realized that his mother is a woman who feels an intense dislike to the signs of masculinity. In the patient's memory came many memories, he says, are an unequivocal demonstration of this rejection. For example, the fact, undoubtedly linked to the phenomenon of voice that her father, voluble man in the street, became silent inside the home. I want to stress this interpretation of the wishes of the mother, although in my opinion has failed to evolve into a delusional metaphor.
This case has the interest of showing that an imaginary Oedipus can operate in certain cases as a point of van, and generate a reference direction. Is a solution that in my experience I have seen most frequently in the paranoid form of psychosis. It is neither the analyst nor those who interpret the unconscious Oedipus, since we are not talking about the symbolic structure, but an imaginative way to use scraps to produce a break in the continuous flow of symbolic and real.
In the beginning, we have the strange and the depersonalization caused by the real return of the voice, with the peculiarity that is not the classic phenomenon of verbal hallucination. The subject does not hear the voice of the Other, but listen to yourself, although not recognized in that voice. Is too close to foreign ownership of this object. We could say that in fact "the other voice" Otherness is the voice, separate from meaning. The phenomenon is not too different from what happens when we hear our voice recorded, but in this case there is something else, is the feeling that the penis becomes smaller and tends to disappear. The patient puts it absolutely clear: it says that somehow he can not understand, there is something that connects the penis and voice. For us, the connection is between the foreclosure of the signifier of the father, ie detached from the subject of discourse, and the production of phi zero. By contrast, the phallic significance hidden strangeness of the voice, and conceals the fact that one can not ever know from where. At the same time, signification "absorbed" the organ in the symbolic and the imaginary. Mr. K experienced a slight boost to women, but not articulated schreberiana mode, it is not a parafrénico. Think that the voice is also a sign virile, and that sometimes, in their confrontation of the Other, both voice and penis disappear. There is, stricto sensu, a frenzy developed around this. My hypothesis on the direction of the treatment is to separate the voice and look, at first confused. Start a new treatment period, dominated by the scopic object function and ordered by his elaboration of the family novel. There is then the encounter with the woman who will become his girlfriend. It is she who finds and seduces him while he is guided. It is through the scopic object, and with the help of Eros, and Mr. K. can regain some body image, initially in the form of shame, that recognize the traces of its past urinary, or discover that something happens to his penis, which can not control excitement. To be invisible, becomes too seen. Is in a third time finding something new: the dress. He had never given much thought to clothes, and begins to acquire an aesthetic of dress. Choose your clothes carefully and gradually develops a strategy of "Showing", which stands to be seen. Now the patient can be shown the Other, and to separate better from their sense of exclusion.
other hand, has initiated a new activity in your life: painting. In a first phase, was limited to drawing objects such as vases and vessels, which shows that Lacan knew what he was thinking when he decided to apply the optical experiment to mirror stage. For some time, copying paintings of famous artists. It does not feel able to create their own, and is content with imitation. In any case, the most important is undoubtedly the fact that the painting is a way to pacify the gaze. A particular feature of this treatment, and on the other hand we find in some psychotic patients, is that the patient belongs to what he called a "narrative subjectivity", ie something that makes you prone to historicizing-delirious with all that it can be-as a way to repair the failure of mental knot. These are patients who are not satisfied with a pragmatic function, and calling for a construction of meaning, a knowledge that is not limited to "accredited", but aims to "know why." Despite the positive effects of treatment, Mr. K calls for a "total cure" claim in which you can hear the silent voice of the death instinct. Of course, the loneliness is still his true companion. GUSTAVO
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Pro Wrestlers Of 1984

The Bloc-Notes by Bernard-Henri Lévy
Paris, October 15, 2009
Of course suicide is a mystery. Of course, nothing is more hazardous, dangerous, even hateful, they want to interpret, a posteriori, often acts without words, and choosing, in such cases, hiding behind his own secret.
And of course, in this mystery, suffering more subjective, personal, intimate and unspeakable, inconfensable, has always, and necessarily, on their part.
What is not prejudice. These now famous
suicides mourning France Telecom company (but also from that bank, Renault or Peugeot, or the National Education ...) are a new phenomenon emerged ten years ago, and has, by definition , a new reason and logic.
little we know, the little that we say the first results of field surveys conducted by doctors, researchers and sociologists of work have dealt with these dramas, shows that 24 of France Telecom does not desperate were not particularly vulnerable, nor officially depressed or unhappy in his family well in their homes, or in love.
But it's also the problem we can take the place we want to commit suicide so, choose going to die, not a bridge, not a train station or behind the closed door of his bedroom, but in his office kill it, literally, at work, waving the corpse in front of his own employer and make a final and poisoned gift, sacrificed on the altar of an institution to which he has devoted a large part of existence and that has become for him a monster again and cold, like the gods of Anatole France, are thirsty for the blood of his followers, makes the message is fairly new and, in some cases, when the bomber left a letter , be explicit and clear enough to us to take the hassle and once we finish doing the ostrich policy.
are three issues which, in fact, reveals the epidemic of suicides:
1. One form of pressure - employees call it bullying or management by stress and fear - that there was no doubt in the same grade in the world until now.
2. The importation into the world of business from a culture of evaluation about which we are certain, with Jean-Claude Milner and Jacques-Alain Miller (Want to be assessed?, Miguel Gómez editions, Manchester, 2007), Agnès Aflalo ( L'Assassinat manqué the psychanalyse, Cécile Defaut ed., 2009) or Yves Charles Zarka (Cités, number 37), we have warned for years that it was literally a culture of death and for death.
3. The drop in short, systems of solidarity, in other times, made the pad and that this ideology of the evaluation, ie the individual skills, ie, the "every man for himself" and the "walk or bust," he methodically devastated: how many workers demoralized, weak, faint were formerly protected by peers?, how many idle peers have told them "okay, you heavy drinking, do not go this morning, we will do yours ", how many employees, until recently, have been ready to quit but have been preserved at all costs in the circuit through a chain of friendship and mutual aid? , that has all blown up by the double whammy of the agony of the unions and the powerful rise of the culture of selfishness, none of that works and the new social climber furious based on the mobility and the fragmentation of jobs , it is just so, so desperate and definitely not alone, as were formerly farmers when they were having the sad record of the number of suicides on the job.
So, I repeat, we must avoid over interpretation.
We must resist the temptation to find one single fault whose appointment, as if by magic, I would solve everything. And although words have been uttered vile, and although the wording of France Telecom pattern that reduces the wave of suicides at a "fashion" (despite being excused), is obviously unqualified, we have to avoid anyone making a scapegoat.
Because we have a problem there is obvious and, with the crisis of subprime and other hedge Founds, forces us to ask for our economic and social model.
After all, born of modern sociology, to Durkheim, from a reflection on suicide.
A book about suicide, his disciple Maurice Halbwachs, was half a century later, laid the foundations for the representation of society in which we live today.
I do not see why we should deprive us, in the series of Durkheim and Halbwachs, an uncompromising reflection on the new social unrest on an increasing unease in the civilization of which they testify, I want or not, these tragedies in series.
worst thing would be to say nothing and trivialize it.
worst thing would be to consider this phenomenon as part of the risks of trade or, more horrible yet, drown in the statistics of the "National mortality" as absurd as indecent.
Devaluing the mirror that reflects us, would kill again in the dead of France Telecom. Translation of Jesus
Ambel, with the kind permission of the author through the good offices of Agnès Aflalo
Source: d% e2% 80% 99emploi-le-point-du-15102009-2984.html
Thursday, November 5, 2009
How Long Does Ice Take To Freeze

Thinking is something that distinguishes one person from another, of course other factors, but if that is the thought ..
The thought is a vague idea in your mind about a particular topic, this is given to raise and resolve or if a solution lógicaante a problem, the thought is so important and even indispensable to man.
everywhere at this time, each person is thinking something, either in your task, your partner in their work, many things ...
But there are also many types of thoughts, of course, the poetic, the fair, etc. ..
very different from each other and that round by boat on different ideas, objectives and conluciones ..
But despite that we all have them, but thinking is more developed than another is, in one of Llosa we develop more easily than other ...
Sims 2 Mansion And Garden Stuff No Cd

To me personally it makes me so cruel zoos, but why? First of all the reason to make this decision is because most zoos do not have ample places for animals, as well that parts are treated cruelly and even up injustamentes are massacred.
also that being in captivity, are vulnerable in their natural habitat where these animals are released, as the a man accustomed to rely on it, not that they dependendan of themselves, because few of the animals that are released they survive and most of them die.
Another important point is that sometimes the animals did not eat what is good, or at least says that their food they eat, it is true that the endangered animals in zoos are recruited for their benefit (if so you could say) so that its existence still present, but it is true ....
One of the animals that are endangered tigers are white, there are very few and there are only encuntra in zoos that can afford their survival. One of the zoos that have this animal is the Sandiego Zoo. But when the cats are released to their native roots, are even more at risk of extinction because they were tamed so call to be like a house cat.
A clear example was the whale Keiko to Reino Aventura is now known by all as Six flash to me I got to see Keiko in the park, of course has changed a lot, so this park animal released its star to their place of origin at sea.
But Keiko was so used to getting his food and when he was released, he stayed on shore to wait for someone to give him food, never entered into their habitat, which led to Keiko to die ..
's ugly to see how an animal dies, but lives in the hope that the men came in and save him ...
I'm not saying that we look after animals, but can raise several ideas, one in which man and animals, can be understood, that the man cares for the animal, without this pireda their nature and customs .. .
Sunday, October 11, 2009
What Type Of Weave Does Lala Have

Time is an incident that occurred at some point in the life of every person, animal, thing or object. We can not turn back from some event happened, but yet if we rethink, an example might be when a close relative is ill and then dies, you would think if he had not yet ill would be with us, if we could retrodict time and prevent ill, he would still live, but it is not, then you can not change things, but if you take care would avoid what happened to your family.
Time passes in a straight line, which could not be reversed, to which I refer to this if you walk a block and across the street, remember that I had to buy something at the pharmacy at the other corner back, and half the street passes the truck would leave at home, ie return to pharmacy spend time and therefore lost their transport.
Although one does not see us dominating time, why? Very easy, day and night, we know that day is a working, studying, etc., And when night comes you're going to sleep, otherwise you might Agamas, but even so we would know that going against the time.
Finally time is a factor that many do not understand very well, yet we live with all day and all night. Weather is so involved in our lives, that haunts us even at one point, as was late!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Why Is Important To Wear Protective Clothing

computer-aided design (CAD) is a tool from the beginning contributed to the design flexibility that allows us to see errors in the design to correct them oder p improve the project, ie adjust it so that it can implement or enforce in reality without alterations.
The DAC provides people with creative, to extend his imagination in his case, see where it needs tweaking, so that the final design is best.
Today many of the designs you see are made and supported in CAD programs, a clear example are the images we see on the internet or downloaded.
Thanks to CAD programs can not only change an image but also design it from a very simple image as a face to the most complicated as a person, with the tools it provides, you can do many pictures as cats, houses, planes, toys, clothing, doors, clocks rings, cars etc., while can be given movement or animation of these images. This means that the image move, looks shiny, or performs some action and so on.
design sometimes not only applies to objects of practical use, but also for personal taste, as is a rose, a dress, a logo, anime or a background for our computer etc. What each individual wants the CAD. As you tell the program what we do and what we want and he will be to our taste and discretion.
Depending on our activity in the design we will choose a program that uses image is vector or pixelares. In general the area pixelares photographic images used, while in the area of \u200b\u200bindustrial design uses vector images.
Victoria Paris Tracy Adams Vintage

Go is a great day today, you better fix me and I was ready to leave, but that makes the first, well that will see him later the important thing right now is out for a bit.
"The day is lovely, warm and that's good, clear to me.
In that Kula was bringing everyone to undertake road and left.
First was with her sister Athena, talked and ate breakfast, she told him she wanted to start a business and Kula said that was fine, had his support.
After that she went with her friend Mai, at home and talked about making a trip out to entertain and distract you for a while. That night he said goodbye to her friend and went to the market to buy some things, after that was for ice cream and sat on a bench in the park, seen as all the people going on around him.
Shortly afterwards got up and went home, walking saw everything in its path, everything was beautiful.
Across the alley it was always stopped at that was left staring at the wall I notice a very small image and delineated. He approached slowly and put his hand on the image.
I hear a voice, was her boyfriend K, which was addressed to her, it felt cold and Volt, was a young man who was drugged and had a weapon, that pulled the trigger and heard a shot, put his Kula to hear hand on the wall and saw K fell wounded while everything around him faded.
Then everything returned to normal, well almost everything. K realized that was not, and the drug addict either.
In this he went to his house entering realized that someone else lived there, surprised they said, who you are and are doing in my house ... To which the girl who lived at home replied, I bought this house 5 years ago, Kula What he said surprised! Who sold you?
And she said was Athena de la Fuente. Kula came out of that apparently once was his home and went to see aa his sister, but she was found walking, he says because you sold my house, Athena strange stare and said do not bother me so I do not know you leave me alone.
and moved on Athena, Kula was confused, but that K was found, he told his family not remember, because she was dead for five years that no one remembered anymore. Kula confused but you said if I remember K, because you if you and they do not, for one simple reason, because I am the day of the accident in the alley I died, but you came from another plane but in doing your sister thought you were dead .
But it's time you gone home, Kula hug him and told him not want to go if you're not here with me, you need to go, but if you can be you and me together even for a while.
Okay Kula said.
They spent a day together, but then returned to normal Kula.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Gay Cruising Areas In San Antonio

In a very old house, lived a family consisting of 5 persons, the house was very large but parts of it were falling and others are maintained in good condition despite his time.
Mrs. install a food business, which was very successful but noticed strange things in the house heard noises and giving the night the house was frightening, a day one of his children to go to the bathroom appeared something that left him unconscious and pale eyes, hearing a slight bump the family went outside and saw the boy lying on the floor.
Waking said he saw a shadow, they thought they were inventions of the child or simply fear that the house provided, and not gained importance. After Mrs. bought some chicks and hens on the third day, a few chickens woke up dead, and beside them was a cane, he decided to sell their animals so they do not spend anything.
There understood that she would not have pets, and that was a sign that she sent him after a few weeks the fruit trees that were there were drying up because their children will not irrigated water, then afternoon in the nursery there were two buckets of water at the entrance.
They asked her sister, her father and finally his mother, which he said:
"That was it, surely you want your plants watered to avoid wilting.
children So without further to say they did, at a time, things left lying in the house were lost and never found again.
But yeah, never got to the business of the lady, (who knows why) but that if at a certain time and not leave the house, no at night, but by fear of seeing the shadow of it, seeing it as caused great fear and agony.
tube But one day visits with relatives nearby, the lady told them everything that happened, but they did not believe him, so they went to sleep, but sister got up at night to go to the kitchen but this had to cross the courtyard, so he did it with a candle, but walking element s in turn off so he went running to the kitchen that felt great shiver ran through his body.
inChina Your skin will scare him and his heart was beating very fast, almost reaching the kitchen saw a shadow pass, it was left paralyzed in fear, and Volt look so quick to not seeing her again, and when to what seemed likely to happen again in front of her, was rounding, including so afraid that he had, until the words were that he seemed to be moving.
In this way very slowly through the kitchen trying to see where he could be light contact, and there was only one who set that part of the house, had already found, wanting to arrest him and saw the face of it that even throw it into the floor and crawled almost went to his room and hug her husband with a fear and yet with great assurance, that even he awoke and hug saw was scared, but did not see anything, hear anything, only appreciated at night, a quiet night with a starry sky.
The next day, Mr. goodbye to his wife's sister because she only waited in the car ready to go, I say nothing more than:
- want to go ..
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hot Spots On The Thigh

on a very beautiful sisters Prue and Paiper had a piece of land where they planted flowers were sisters who were very joined together, one day one of them would go to the market before they arrived late, as this was very removed from the home, in that a Paiper Prue told they were going together so that both sisters went to the market.
Both were talking and laughing, to reach the market around the world, waving, to buy the things they needed went back to his home, but half of Prue way I hear something, and gave
"I think someone is following us, you hear the footsteps of a horse
Paiper replied Prue who will be true, but nobody is sure is the wind.
At home they had purchased accommodated in that night came and both sisters went to sleep, but at midnight you could hear a noise, as if someone forced the door at that roused Paiper Prue.
And he said that Prue
Yes of course, but it sure is the wind, heard that someone broke the window, you hear that Paiper.
"Yes, of course, it's best to see what happens, is not it.
"Okay, I'll see if I call low to help, but if not it does not go down and you hide it or run away, I got it.
. It is OK
-Promise me
"Okay I promise.
In that Prue under the stairs to see what was happening, she screamed, in that Paiper went to look, in that recalled the promise he made to his sister, so under carefully and was to appear. But down the stairs he saw a man, who beat her sister, while she doing everything possible to get free, but Prue had seen his sister and look with eyes that are out and fled, in that the abuse of her subject, and Paiper not stand it, and headed toward the subject, his sister crying and suffering scream "do not do ... please .."
Knowing that these words were addressed to her came out of the house, he heard many noises in the house, the screams of his sister, in that everything is calm, Paiper suddenly saw the guy out, and ran it in to the house to see as was his sister.
found it on the floor, with his clothes torn, and in a pool full of blood, pale and almost lifeless, took her in his arms and that She said:
-Prue, we're going to answer me you see the doctor, go please answer me.
In that Prue slowly opened his eyes he saw his sister whispered:
Paiper "I'm sorry, but I think I'll stay single, I that I will life, take good care ...
"I do not say that Prue, do not leave me do not you dare leave me, fight for life, hold on to life
- I love you .... With tears welled up in his face Prue died in the arms of her sister .
Paiper was heartbroken, felt that half of his soul was taken away, but seeing his sister as the tortured, she said
- Prue I swear, that made you pay for the damage it did to you.
It's been 3 years and is the day the richest landowner in the region gives a feast to all the people. His name was Rodrigo, which was already married and had three children, Mai, Richard and Terry. That day everything was the best, but in the evening, lay down to their children and was with his wife Athena, and said
Atena know, are the most valuable thing I have besides our children are everything to me.
In that Athena said: You also Rodrigo, you're the man whom I love with all my heart. A day in the hacienda, the maid of the house and fell gravely ill in bed, costing lives. In that Rodrigo decided to go to the market the next morning to see if I got a maid.
Upon arrival, met all the people and said
My maid died yesterday, so I come to ask for one, who wants the job.
hit the market in that a girl they called Lisa and said
pattern "I want the job.
Rodrigo said, okay bring your stuff to the ranch a half day to settle.
-okay, I'll be there lisa said.
smooth By the evening went to the estate, was ordered and began work, while a few months, Richard was ill, had high fever and step one week and died the next morning.
His parents were devastated with the loss of his eldest son, the lady was very sad and almost inconsolable. After three months Richard's death, Mai fell into bed like his brother, Athena stayed all day watching her youngest daughter, praying to god that it is not removed, but their pleas were in vain and died Mai.
Rodrigo did not know what was happening, but the doctor said everything looked normal when he went to his room and wanting to hug his wife that he threw and said
-Leave me alone, go away, go away
was sad, aching indifference his wife
But the last three days of their children died of the same illness of children, but with a faster death.
Athena was really bad, it appears that Avian taken his life, seemed dead in life, Rodrigo was sad and devastated by the loss of their children and the absence of wife.
After three years the situation is calm, all was well Avian differences and the pain ceased and with it the arrival of a baby, all on the estate were very happy, and smoother, took an afternoon tea as usual to the patterns, but on waking Rodrigo was tied in bed saw his wife tied to the wall. And there was Lisa with a knife in it began to torture to Athena, made her suffer so much in the end in pieces limb from limb. Rodrigo said that because to all this, and she replied:
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Kidde Fyrnetics Wont Stop Beeping

At the time did not react, he was with his mistress, both were happy and said I'm glad we're together at last, but not as we wanted it to be, in that smiling Laila looked at him and said, is not hour, one day I will come for you but not today love today do not remember that I love you but our love will never I can be .... In it the prince awoke and saw his family around him, almost dying, but it was not, but Lizet was punished and banished from the village to which he belonged, his mother told him something, he said when she struck him, she escaped and soon find, but finding it was very bad because the people had been revealed that she committed the crime not by the prince, but by Laila, we deformed the face as punishment , and now she is paying to be humiliated by forced labor for all, who watch your step .... It's been several years since everything happened, but I've come to tell you I love you and miss you as strange night to day, I love you more than you loved and it hurts me to know that you're not with me, but someday we have to see again but today I come today just to have ......
"When you love someone, let her go there to know that although Goodbye is forever and you heartbroken "
Tex Tan Hereford Seriennummer

In a village lived a chicha only on your street since the rest were pure male she came to this town at the age of seia years, and there difficult step because they do not know anyone and had a hard time to function and to socialize. How school entry cost him a time to make friends but the friends he made were certainly unique. But despite that this girl could never get along with their neighbors did not come out with them and if they spoke it was only by courtesy. When I was 15 years her first boyfriend tube was very nice because it was his first love, first kiss but over the romance died a few months, overcame the pain to be his first love, but at 18 years, Went with one of his neighbors rare thing indeed, but it all happened when her house became a party of his younger brother, invited all friendly neighbors who had known the time when night came he approached the girl and he offered his friendship, so every time she left home and he was attentive enough and so accompanied months after he declared on a rainy night that day was truly beautiful, the romance lasted almost a year but they had had many problems not to pay much attention to it was more with friends, and I was saying, the angry almost shouted at him was a capricious and berrenchuda girl, but she just said that if I wanted to be with his friends tell him and not angry but those problems were not resolved and led to the end of that relationship.
This failed relationship she felt really bad, I thought I'd never find aa omeone who wants it and understood so well estubo for a year and a half anduvocon lasting one to several week , Months or even hours, his life was very sad she felt bad even had the urge to commit suicide but did not was not because of resources or ways but cowardice and fear, fear of harming the uniko be good and pure that she was in this her life her grandmother was ill and she was his favorite granddaughter because the baby care and even their 6 years, was like her mother.
So tired of all these to do harm to people who knew went to internetahi chikas met several but never went to see with qa anyone for fear that something bad happened but one day she climbed into the account of another person and one of your contacts to speak she was sincere and say that he did not mind that close but the guy nicknamed the cat asked to add their email and did so closed the account and chat with a long time, they became very good friends but after that he gave his Chiko mail to your friend kallel the account she had opened in error, treatment and both realized that they lived very close so they decided to meet both the encontar got along and as the months passed, he met the cat and counted and took his punishment well went out, and the whole thing amused.
One day on a website met a shark nicknamed niche was very nice, romantic and affectionate I treat each day, and exchanged emails, talk until late at night until 3 to 5 in the morning and got engaged, well cyber boyfriends step dicided be about 4 months, when the day of the event was both nervous, but when viewed from the distance events attracted each other, that day it went well, but it seemed that both had six years because they were timid to Psar of age, when he left gave him a kiss on the mouth, and she happily stayed.
The next day logged on as usual both wonderful things and they told how well they had been together so every time they could be were going to see, it was difficult since he lived far away almost 3 hours from home, but that was not obstacle to their relationship. At the age of two, came the cat and told the girl that came because I wanted to be with her because he loved her and that if he had left so suddenly, not because he wanted to, but because I wanted to have something to offer the everything was going to asked her to marry him, but she was honest and told him he had an affair, the TRIZTAN and left heartbroken and just be happy you said .....
shark In his romance with wonderful things she lived, Unika, feelings, emotions and splendid, all was going well in their relationship until one day she became pregnant and her partner dijon but wanted an abortion and she said there was a debate and all that lived there, she tearfully told his family goodbye ... nunka she would force him to be with her and a great responsibility menso if not wanted, when she turned around she kissed her and said "sorry" "I love you and want to be with you but I have fear, no t able to give to our son and all they deserve, "she llorandoy with sonrsa on his face said" I will support you as much as possible "
Hasi therefore decided civilly married by the time they told them their parents of their decision, but the fate Queno posium were nothing between them, not married, they had had not his family, but still together after all .... But what happened she lost the baby came he was bleeding and went to the hospital without a doubt, there you were told it was OK to go to cas to take rest, but the next day was the same or worse so she went to another place and when I get you were told it had already lost the baby aborted so that they did curettage, to remove what dedaba of your baby. She was heart broken to pieces, when you hear your partner broke into tears, saying it .... To be both embraced and wept and suffered for their son .....
But in the end, only told "If your god gave it to me and I quitastes, I only ask that you take care of my angel, as we can not do it .."
Passing this acontecimeitno, their relationship pipe many problems, fights discussions, but knew how to fix them and go adenate, for his only Son, that at the moment waiting time to marry and be parents ...
But all that began in an account of all that love inernet and born by RED ....
Monday, August 24, 2009
Marriage Wishes Tamil Kavithai

Sunday, August 23, 2009
2010 Cellebrite Update
That's all I say goodbye but that if I leave a poem aki ....
"If I were to choose between my life and you would choose to ty you because my life is you ......"