Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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"JESUS \u200b\u200bI TRUST IN YOU"

Monday, March 21, 2011

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angel of the Lord


Angel of the Lord protect us from
sick men of greed and wickedness that seek to enslave

just us from the desires of the Devil
Extermination. Deliver

loss and destruction.
us from the misery of war. Help us to perceive

love is in the universe and echo
him to play until the last
corner of the earth.
At the heart of war there is only
in the heart of life
should only be love,
then teach your wisdom,
the true path of life is love
Angel of the Lord, open our eyes
Angel of the Lord, give us
integrity of spirit.
Angel of the Lord, give us humility and gratitude
. Teach

to seek greatness and perfection.

Teach us to be benevolent and compassionate.
Guide us along the paths of love,
that is light, which is understanding,
tolerance, forgiveness, because
all these things are made peace, and peace
begets life.
Lead us to peace loving,
because the power of love can
to resolve and dispel any apparent
Peace is life now and forever.

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Someday when my children are old enough to understand the logic
motivates mothers I will tell you:

I loved you enough to ask where you were, with who,
and what time would come back to the house.

I loved you enough to insist that
save money to buy a bike but we, your parents could buy one.

I loved you enough, to shut up and let you discover your new best friend was a jerk.
I loved you enough to nag and be over you
for two hours, while fixing your room, a job I would have taken me only 15 minutes.

I loved you enough to let you see my anger, disappointment and
tears in my eyes. Children should also understand that we are not perfect.

I loved you enough to let
assume responsibility for your actions, although the punishments were so hard they broke my heart.

But above all, I loved you enough to tell you "NO"
when I knew you were going to hate me for it.

Those were the hardest battles for me. But I'm happy
because they have been won because in the end, you also won.

And someday when your children are
large enough to understand the logic that motivates parents, you will tell them: "I loved you
enough, to do everything I did for you."

"Older women, teach them to be reverent in their behavior, not slanderers or addicted to much wine. They must teach what is good and advise young women to love their husbands and children, to be busy , keepers at home, kind and submissive to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God "Titus 2:3-5.

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not let your heart explode in anger, but rather, replaces anger with a beautiful smile.
Take a walk, help someone in need, ie you channel this powerful energy to the good of others.
And when you look so peaceful in your mind, then please think about what happened.

Chat with who have to talk, or solutions to situations to be remedied.
will see that your spirit will thank you deeply.

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One of the worst ways you can insult yourself is longing get something for nothing, will receive a reward without carrying out any effort.
With an attitude like you're slapping yourself in the face.
you insulting your own ability to discipline yourself to perform the required actions.
're underestimating your own ability to achieve the results you want.
While getting something without giving anything in return, most of the time I so get you no help at all.
The value you're looking for get can not become truly yours without the discipline, effort, action and perseverance necessary to achieve and create that value.
Something for nothing is almost always a sad illusion.
The more you want to get something for nothing, more contempt for the incredible potential you have within you to achieve your goals.
So stop yearning and start making it happen.
At the precise moment you stop yearning and start doing, your confidence and effectiveness reborn.
centers do not have your hopes to get something without giving anything in return.
can do something much, much better and far more reliable. You can do everything necessary to get anything you want.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

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things can be difficult today,
tomorrow will be a new day.
Every moment of our life has meaning ...

important thing is to know that everything we do has a
Principle and a Final ...
relies on the beauty of your soul.

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Lord. Thank you for this day. I do not want to complain or protest in the days of my life.
there are things that I can not change, but I if I can change, today I decide to take steps to change with your help in those areas that bother me and harass others. Amen.

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For you who love ...

When your heart is open, full of life
the fragrant flower of love,
Remember one day someone planted within you.
When your heart light
With the soft colors of the sunset,
Remember that someone woke you.
When the fire of passion burn your heart,
Consuming all your fiber in the sacrifice of pleasure,
Remember that someone lit the flame.
When your heart is embroidered with golden dreams,
Woven with threads of moonlight, someone colored
Remember your inner world.
When the night finds you with a broken heart
and distressed by the bitterness contained in the day,
Remember that there's someone waiting with a handkerchief in his hand.
When insomnia makes you spin
Desperately in bed
You can plant one dreams of peace in your mind.
loneliness When you press and you scream not an echo,
You there, on the other hand,
Someone loves your company and understand your cry.
When your secrets do not fit more within you, threatening to break the levees
your soul,
Remember that there is someone willing to collect and save
With love and dignity that you expect.
dwell in your heart When the blue sky,
The warmth of the sun, the chirping birds,
The perfume of flowers, the nostalgia of the evening,
The charm of the morning, the serenity of the lakes
And the smile of fortune, remember that someone has touched your heart
wand miracle of love .
you love and live in the contradictory world and
rainbow of darkness, of calm and agitation, peace and instability
know that there is someone else living in your world !
In happy hours, she shares with your smiles,
In lonely hours, go, get up and look it
Wherever you are.
NOT watch the clock! What matter
hours? Life is so short,
No time to lose!

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And the Lord said:
'll lend you for a while some parents,
love them while they live. May be 10, 20, 30 years or more, until the call.
Can you care for them? I want to learn to live with them, I have searched
about children and I have chosen "you." Think you can take
what you teach?

I do not offer that will with you forever, only the
you soon, because what is going to land me back. They will give you
tenderness and give you joy to have you. The day they call, do not cry and I hate
get back to me. His absence
body is outweighed by the love and the many nice memories

Keep in mind that if something makes you sad, if you hit
pain hurt someday, your pain is mine. So with all this, you will
mourning more bearable and you have to say with grateful humility

Thy will be done!
"A wise son brings joy to his father but a foolish son despises his mother
" Proverbs 15:20.
"Father to a foolish son brings grief; be
father of a fool is no joy
Proverbs 17:21" A foolish son to his father angry and bitter because his mother, "Proverbs 17:25

Saturday, March 19, 2011

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In life there is some sadness. And joys.
The sorrow you show who you are and what things are really important.
Joys show you how incredibly wonderful it can be all that.
The blues help you understand how things have been good.
The joys they offer a wonderful view of a single glance and stimulate you, showing you how much better it could become.
Without the ability to feel sad there was no way to experience joy.
Thus, both sorrows and joys that contribute to comprehensive wealth that life offers.
Through It strengthens the sadness and the joy you take advantage of that strength positively.
Amid deep sadness learn painful lessons, and joys build good things from what you have learned.
The sorrows come, and come the joys.
Each has its place at the time of filling the life of wealth and meaning.

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I'm not too wise to refuse,
Lord is logically your divine existence;
me just open your eyes to find you;
invites all creation to adore me, and I adore
in pink and I adore you in the spine.
What are our fears to want argüirte
by cruel? Do we know if you perchance
factories with our tears the stars,
if the higher beings, if the most beautiful things
are kneaded with clay noble bitterness?
Hopefully, we suffer, not launch ever Invisible
to our denial as a challenge. Poor child
sad, you'll see, you'll see! Death approaches
.. i hear from his lips the heavenly secret

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God in every circumstance of life. Search
excellence, not perfection
. Account

your blessings instead of adding your sorrows. Returns

everything you borrow. Commit

three people every day.
Trust God wholeheartedly
and not rely only on your own understanding.
Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep
with those who weep.
Make new friends but appreciates
those who already have. Invites

to Christ to be your Lord and Savior.
never miss an opportunity to express your love
. Lee

your Bible and pray daily.
Stay alert to the needs of your neighbor
not blame others for your misfortunes
. Forget

offenses and forgive as God forgives you.
promises all you want;
but fulfills all that promise. That
known as a person in whom you can trust. Recognizes
you are not infallible and apologize
for your mistakes. Be
the friendly and enthusiastic person you know
. Try

all as you would like to be treated. Join

the army of the thankful. Dress
of mercy, humility and patience
And do not forget to support others the way you
support. Zafatah

seductive claws of Satan. And
be filled with the love of God, everything

can and is willing to love forever.

Many Blessings!

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March 15, 2011

The political situation was the citizens' movement that was Forum What muted assessment. A case of emergency: autism, is repeated a year later.
Last February 22 was approved by the Congress of Deputies a Proposal not of law for the " improvement of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder " presented by CIU and endorsed with amendments to the PSOE and PP (available in \u0026lt; > ).
do not receive this agreement political response on the part of citizens and various groups concerned, which is drawn for the near future is a system English health care only for autism provide cognitive-behavioral treatments.
Where shall in that case the plurality of treatments that have existed for decades in our country, and the right to choose from parents and affected the treatment they see fit?

And, finally, is that it is the CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) that will deal with the subjectivity of the person with impaired autistic spectrum, in particular as it does a human being can not be reduced to a description of their behavior? The answer is NO. Give the hegemony of autism treatment to CBT is a serious political error and civilization.

From Foroautismo platform (http:// \u0026lt; >) have initiated a number of political contacts in order to take into account the plurality of treatments and right to choose. We will also ask the media spread the "Letter to the uneasy political" that have addressed the political class, and we publish in this special issue, together with the Proposal not of law in question, to publicize the situation.

We headed back to you, who followed the preparation of the Barcelona Forum sponsored by the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, or even participate in it, that this letter may have their echoes between those who advocate a model of civilization in which the word and it is supposed subjectivity are not violated. In fact, we are organizing a second Forum What muted assessment: voluntary easements (http:// loqueevaluacionsilencia. / \u0026lt; loqueevaluacionsilencia http:// . / > ) to be held June 11 at the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid and where we can openly discuss new question. ;

We are collecting signatures in support of the "Open Letter to the uneasy political", you will read below. To sign it is sufficient to send an email with your name and tax number http://foroautismo @ / \u0026lt; mailto: > .
Your comments and suggestions are welcome
Neus Carbonell, Elizabeth Plaster and Ivan Ruiz

(Incorporated in the blog post 15/03/2011 MPA)

Friday, March 18, 2011

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Want to put your life on time? THE LAST KISS


Want to put your life on time ?

If you have a minute to become,
the Passover with intensity,
truth and depth.

If you book an hour to confess
leave behind everything that weighs you
to climb to the cross.

If you do not advance the clock of your life,
and let yourself be guided by God, check
that each day will suffice your desire.

If you fail to check the time and read a little more
the Gospel, you'll notice that all the time
the world is not worth a minute
in the presence of the Lord .

If you arrive on time for all sites but
late or not at the meeting with God
Day " tomorrow you can dodge
the great encounter with the Lord?

If you fill your schedule of commitments and holidays,
meals and side aspects.
When you leave God to put
in time your heart?

If God an hour seems like an eternity and
however, 24 will seem few for the triumph
or distraction. Do not you think it is time that
think what is or may be your life interior?

If the clock of your faith, are out on the table
your forgetfulness. Why not try to wind
or put batteries in the Eucharist every Sunday?

If the clock of your hope, was seized
by the pressure of your environment, why not
incentives in your life the silence or private prayer?

If the second hand on your watch Christian
goes slowly towards the things of God and very fast
to the world, why not try
rhythmically with your help
in a parish church or group?

During Lent, it is time to grace
must learn to look at the clock in another way:
giving more importance to what, as Christians, we
retarded and delaying
that we can produce carelessness, laziness or
estrangement from God

Pon on time your watch Christian Easter!
Lent will help you get it!

P. Javier Leoz

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Like every morning from 6 years ago, I woke my madreesta morning to go to school, had spent bad night, conpesadillas about monsters, and I could hardly stand up.
Ten minutes later my mother came to wake this time maspremura, it was getting late, I got up quickly, just sime wash your face, I eat up breakfast in the blink of an eye, and there was my mother telling me, to eat more slowly, which tevas to drown!
the rush of the moment I answered the wrong way, if you already know, noempieces to scold me (even I had to endure the questions of rigor) Do you carry your lunch? Do you brush your teeth? Are you ready loslibros? And even more impatient I answered him loudly that I told you so!
She smiled gently and said, "Come give Mommy a kiss and go to school concuidado.
I shrugged my shoulders with nuisance and I said half angrily: - Mom! Quey too late I have no time for that. All right son, go fast, that God protects you.
my own words still echo in my ear, I have no time parasternal ... with prose and anger me I overlook a slight destellode sadness in his eyes, while he was running to school, I was about to return and kiss my mom, I felt unnudo in the heart, but my colleagues started calling me fuihacia and that excuse them "back? What would kiss mom ami! - It would have laughed at me.
Anyway back home after class, would see MIMAM at the door of my house waiting for me as always, something happens to me deque fearful, impatient if it takes a few minutes and heentretenido me with my friends.
The day flew by me in school, between classes, juegosy lunch and I had forgotten the incident of the morning, HOWEVER this time, just rang the bell, I ran to my Casasín entertain at the corner waiting for a glimpse of the figure mimadre at the door, but no one this time. I figured estaríaadentro fun with something, but as yet they presenciatan surprised safe.
Before touching bell, came to the door my father, but was mipadre? The man was much older than me always habíaparecido, shoulders slumped, his eyes swollen and a deep sadness halode around him, my heart started beating alocadamentepresintiendo something, just left me voice to say ... What? Dad Mom OK? And in a flash he replied: "Your mom sufrióun heart attack this morning, his death was instantaneous, nadiese learned until they came to visit and found ahítendida in the hall, was very quick, son, it was nuestroángel ... A only sob came from his throat and could not seguirhablando.
My mom? MMMMMAAAMMMMMAAAAAAAA !!!!! God forgive me, tell meperdone, I'm still a child pretending to be a man, say by favorque it is what I love most in this life, and I promise value to persons who share with me my life, not malhumorarmecon them for no reason, and I'll give you a thousand kisses, every day, for all that I could not give it, cherish it for me, my God, Quecuas touch me when this world comes from my chest YME syrup as it always did.
You know ... Enjoy their mothers every day of his existencia.Nunca know until when we have the good fortune its presenciamortal.
if no longer with us, do not worry, a mom esmuy "foolish" and never leave you alone, she will quieremuchisisisimoooo ...
Send this story to everyone you know, maybe Sehan not realize what they have today and could lose it tomorrow, and Yasser too late to realize ... value every time AOur loved ones ... and we must love them a lot now in life, not tomorrow we regret all the harm they causamossin want.
"A wife, where do you find? Is more valuable than piedraspreciosas! Her husband has full confidence in her and does not need deganancias ill-gotten. She is a source of good, not evil, Disable ALL day her life ... Her children arise and call her blessed, her husband also praises her. Proesa Many women do, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive and fleeting aboutbeauty, the woman who fears the Lord is worthy of praise . Seanreconocidos their achievements, and publicly praised his works! "Proverbs 31:10-12 and 31:28-31.
unknown author

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.. THERE FOR YOU .. I love life

tired today rang in my ears
spring words:
"I I love life;
love the sun, clouds,
love flowers, people,
love this life.
And I like to feel free,
to decide each morning,
love Jesus Christ.
And feel my love fresh daily, as
to sixteen years. "
Why can not I imitate him, repeating,
every sunrise, identical words?
I also love the sun,
and fields, and flowers.
I see in them God's smile.
Why, then, frowning, smiling
cold, dry heart?
I live to love,
I love to live.
Author: Father Mariano de Blas LC

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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love life under His wings


magazine "National Geographic" published a few years ago, an article about something that happened after a fire in Yellowstone National Park in the U.S.. UU., the same cartoon Yogi Bear, but the truth. Suffocated after the fire began damage assessment work, and that was that while walking through the park, a park ranger found a bird burned along the foot of a tree, in a very strange position, because it seemed there was no escaping death or trapped, I was just with their wings closed around your body.
When the Rangers hit the tapped with a stick, three little chicks emerged alive from under the wings of his mother, who, knowing that their children could not escape the fire, not the left.
not stayed with them in the nest on the tree, where the smoke rises and the heat builds up, it took, maybe one by one, to the base of the tree and then gave his life to save theirs. Can you imagine the scene? The fire surrounding them, the frightened young mother and very determined, bring peace to their children, as saying: "Fear not, come under my wings, nothing will happen. "
were so sure to be there playing their feathers, isolated from the fire, which had not even left here hours after the fire is out.
were totally confident in the protection of his mother, only to feel the beating of the stick of Rangers thought they should leave. "You who love you? Did you love someone like that? Who is a reason why it worth living, find a reason why it is worthy of life. If you think nobody loved you like that mother loved her young bird, I think you're wrong, I can assure you that God loved us so much that he gave himself to be humiliated and die for ti.Pero ... Today he lives and wants to make you feel loved, as only he can love, and will not cost you anything, just invite him to live in you, He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge. "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Fifteen minutes with the Guardian Angel


Fifteen minutes with the Guardian Angel

my guardian angel, that God's goodness you are always with me and accompany me since my earliest childhood, I ask you to protect me so bad these days we are living, where the evil enemy of all for taking it the wrong way. I, starting today, to deal more frequently you're always by my side waiting for me to talk to you or you ask for help, knowing that you can intervene to the extent that I invoke you, because if I call you, little you can do for me.
You are always with me and you're also at the time of my death and present my soul before the eternal Judge, which is why I ask that even now lead me to a holy and happy death, that is for me way to a blissful eternity.
And if I have to go to purgatory, I pray you are with me in that place of expiation, to encourage me and comfort me.
From now think much more in you and will call on every need, not wanting to miss such assistance it has given me the Almighty to lead me to the Celestial Kingdom.
And so I say: "Angel of God, my guardian, as the Sovereign Mercy has given me to you, enlighten, guard, and gobiérname rígeme. Amen. " Protect me!

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The secret of happiness is not getting what we want, but love what we have.
Not what we ask of life, but in which it gives us.
Is this hidden world to thank all the wonderful
simple and it has given us.

recognize big and small, fleeting and enduring.
much but not essential. Not much, but wonder.
you feel poor not because what little you have, but by how much they expect and push yourself to life.
The more ambition poorest will be, since not all things were made for you.
True wealth is to recognize and appreciate the little and sweet that the existence tell us.
Thanks, therefore, every moment of your life.
can possess all the wisdom of the heart.
The rich man is what he loves.
The greatest treasure is the one in our hearts.
The fortune of your depths no one can steal or buy.
appreciates the joy of seeing a sunrise, for one day and not see them. He thanks his father for the love you found it will not get it tomorrow.
The song of birds, the green of the hills the laughter of a child's eyes light ones.

Because it will be the only thing you have left at the end of days.
said thank Meet the beauty who gave you the destination.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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Parabola love

"I moldearé" said the piece of iron ax as it descended with full force on its side.

But every shot that gave him was losing its edge, until after a while she could only tool that had been completely dull.

"to me,", said the saw as he fixed his teeth in the piece of iron, which were disappearing one by one.

"I'll take care of modeling", uttered with pride the hammer, while mocked his colleagues who had failed. But after several blows broke the handle and head it off.

"May I try?, Humbly asked a small flame. The three laughed out loud, but allowed it because they were convinced would also fail. However, that little flame covered the piece of iron, not detached him, hugged him and hugged him to become soft and give the figure he wanted.

That little flame achieved what the other three powerful tools could not reach. So is love.

hearts are in the world so hard that can withstand ax of anger, bitterness teeth, and blows of pride and rejection, but more severe than is the heart of the person, may not withstand the test of love, because love is the most powerful force in this world.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

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A SIMPLE friend


A SIMPLE friend never seen you mourn.
A TRUE friend has shoulders wet because of your tears.

A SIMPLE friend asks you how are you ...
A REAL friend tells you that you look good, hugs you and kisses you.

A SIMPLE friend sends you flowers and a card when you are admitted to the hospital.
A TRUE friend is sleeping in a chair next to you.

A SIMPLE friend does not know the names of your parents.
A TRUE friend has their phone numbers in your address book and calls them "my old" and "my old"

A SIMPLE friend brings drinks to your party.
A TRUE friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help clean.

A SIMPLE friend hates when you call after lying.
A TRUE friend asks you why you took you so long to call.

A SIMPLE friend tries to talk to you about your problems.
A TRUE friend seeks help with your problems.

A SIMPLE friend offers you a couch to sleep.
A TRUE friend gives you his bed, lies down on the floor ... and keeps you up all night talking with you.

A SIMPLE friend asks you to do a coffee.
A REAL friend goes to the kitchen and mounts the coffee and sugar until asked a neighbor if you're not.

A SIMPLE friend thinks the friendship is over after an argument.
A TRUE friend knows who do not have a friendship until after having a fight.

A SIMPLE friend expects to always be there for him or her.
A REAL friend will always be there for you.

A SIMPLE friend can be for a while ...
A true friend is for life.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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"JESUS \u200b\u200bI TRUST IN YOU"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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A love compact is a block with no cracks, no gaps through which distilled. In any crack, any friction, would seem an abyss.

A compact love, is in stone, does not walk by anything falling apart or breaking off in pieces, or by storms with thunder. Love is a higher capacity than normal. With the sacrifice the limit of the human. Delivery, the limit of generosity. And forgiveness at the limit of patience. It is the superlative of feelings.

A love compact is a stronghold. He has so much iron in its structure, both cement base, both props on the walls, so much sun in space, resisting without injuring all the blows of fate, every play of chance, and every year of life.

is sown by the roots, and they alone are formed after the trunk, branches, and fruits.

A compact love is like the mass of granite which crashes everything goes against him.

A compact love is love without leakage or deformation. Ahead without interest. And any advantage from behind.

A love compact is in one piece. Wherever it strikes, it has the same resistance.

A compact love is total, whole. Uncut halves, with no crumbs.

A compact love is like God did, "indissoluble"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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In Memoriam. Hilario Cid.

these beautiful words of Ricardo Acevedo.

"Today Malaga inaugurated a new muffler ...
" It deprives us of a voice than ever, many, guided us in times of fog.
"There's a better knowledge transmitted debt, and we are happy to pay
in line with its elegant style .
"Those who, like me, we traveled meetings, associations, teams, etc., or
who were really in their vicinity, attended the tremor a void that
puts approves of affection sometimes conjured away.
- Today I feel, Hilary, that other analyst's loneliness

Ricardo Acevedo
Málaga 02/22/1912

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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underground, Gustavo Dessal

this reference note of the Argentine newspaper page. 12 on the recent book by Gustavo Dessal, writer and friend, which I recommend reading.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The evils of evil

Gustavo Dessal, psychoanalyst and writer reconstructed with absolute realism the mindset of a man without qualities who becomes part of the killing machine of dictatorship.

By Martin Kasañetz

In the back of this gritty novel, there is a reference to Hannah Arendt by stating what she called "the banality of evil." In Underground, Gustavo Dessal seems to take this idea to create a character frighteningly similar to the characteristics of high-ranking Nazi who analyzes Arendt in her book Eichmann in Jerusalem. Dessal builds character, without any special ride to be predisposed to evil, is part of the field work of the last killing machine military dictatorship in Argentina.

presents no features of a person on a twisted or mentally ill but that his actions are the result of compliance with orders flat. This man seems to float away from the angels murderers to which it links, is increasingly involved in something that comes to size because of its lack of connection with life. As a kind of zombie, is present but appears not to be; people hardly notice its presence. Life seems to be something strange happens to the others, but he can not understand at all. Assists with routine away with a clerk, each of the operations, making attending evictions and torture sessions in clandestine detention center.

Dessal seems to use psychoanalytic knowledge to build, with exceptional efficiency, the profile of a man who shows-in their daily actions and their relationship with others, the conclusion of a past that is forged in childhood and that it stigmatizes isolating it from other forever. The events of the life of this character become one to one forced by the pressing questions of her daughter, who is interested in the history of his father almost completely unknown, a man who barely speaks, responds with short sentences, and expected safe due to the terror that causes someone to discover his past in a present politician demanded answers about those years.

Clandestinidad.Gustavo Dessal

Interzone 153 pages As the text progresses adds up the story of another key character in this story: a young militant of the teenage bride of this man with the characteristics of some of the young at the time: interest in social welfare, supportive, passionate activist and political commitment. Their realities move together in parallel to finish moving away when it failed due to an operation, go into hiding: "It was the first time he heard that word, or at least the first time paying attention. Underground. She explained what she meant, and he did not think anything good or bad, because in reality did not quite grasp the idea. "

Dessal Gustavo was born in Buenos Aires, is a psychoanalyst, a member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis and writer. Published over one hundred articles in professional journals, storybooks Operation Aphrodite (2004), but deliver us from it (2006), the novel's Uncertainty Principle (2009) and testing inhumane Science (2009).

This novel seems to address the issue of secrecy over what their characters mean by that term. On the one hand, it is interpreted from the decision of the protagonist to live in obscurity due to their political interests in a country where hatred and death were in place and, secondly, the distance from a man who lived life away from everything that could go around it. In Dessal Underground described, through a harrowing and straightforward text, the story of two completely different characters who cross their lives creating in the reader a question about the different possible origins of evil in humanity.