A SIMPLE friend
A SIMPLE friend never seen you mourn.
A TRUE friend has shoulders wet because of your tears.
A SIMPLE friend asks you how are you ...
A REAL friend tells you that you look good, hugs you and kisses you.
A SIMPLE friend sends you flowers and a card when you are admitted to the hospital.
A TRUE friend is sleeping in a chair next to you.
A SIMPLE friend does not know the names of your parents.
A TRUE friend has their phone numbers in your address book and calls them "my old" and "my old"
A SIMPLE friend brings drinks to your party.
A TRUE friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help clean.
A SIMPLE friend hates when you call after lying.
A TRUE friend asks you why you took you so long to call.
A SIMPLE friend tries to talk to you about your problems.
A TRUE friend seeks help with your problems.
A SIMPLE friend offers you a couch to sleep.
A TRUE friend gives you his bed, lies down on the floor ... and keeps you up all night talking with you.
A SIMPLE friend asks you to do a coffee.
A REAL friend goes to the kitchen and mounts the coffee and sugar until asked a neighbor if you're not.
A SIMPLE friend thinks the friendship is over after an argument.
A TRUE friend knows who do not have a friendship until after having a fight.
A SIMPLE friend expects to always be there for him or her.
A REAL friend will always be there for you.
A SIMPLE friend can be for a while ...
A true friend is for life.
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