Sunday, March 20, 2011

Heart Gold Rom For Desmume

For you who love ...

When your heart is open, full of life
the fragrant flower of love,
Remember one day someone planted within you.
When your heart light
With the soft colors of the sunset,
Remember that someone woke you.
When the fire of passion burn your heart,
Consuming all your fiber in the sacrifice of pleasure,
Remember that someone lit the flame.
When your heart is embroidered with golden dreams,
Woven with threads of moonlight, someone colored
Remember your inner world.
When the night finds you with a broken heart
and distressed by the bitterness contained in the day,
Remember that there's someone waiting with a handkerchief in his hand.
When insomnia makes you spin
Desperately in bed
You can plant one dreams of peace in your mind.
loneliness When you press and you scream not an echo,
You there, on the other hand,
Someone loves your company and understand your cry.
When your secrets do not fit more within you, threatening to break the levees
your soul,
Remember that there is someone willing to collect and save
With love and dignity that you expect.
dwell in your heart When the blue sky,
The warmth of the sun, the chirping birds,
The perfume of flowers, the nostalgia of the evening,
The charm of the morning, the serenity of the lakes
And the smile of fortune, remember that someone has touched your heart
wand miracle of love .
you love and live in the contradictory world and
rainbow of darkness, of calm and agitation, peace and instability
know that there is someone else living in your world !
In happy hours, she shares with your smiles,
In lonely hours, go, get up and look it
Wherever you are.
NOT watch the clock! What matter
hours? Life is so short,
No time to lose!


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