Saturday, March 19, 2011

How Much Is 300k Pixels


In life there is some sadness. And joys.
The sorrow you show who you are and what things are really important.
Joys show you how incredibly wonderful it can be all that.
The blues help you understand how things have been good.
The joys they offer a wonderful view of a single glance and stimulate you, showing you how much better it could become.
Without the ability to feel sad there was no way to experience joy.
Thus, both sorrows and joys that contribute to comprehensive wealth that life offers.
Through It strengthens the sadness and the joy you take advantage of that strength positively.
Amid deep sadness learn painful lessons, and joys build good things from what you have learned.
The sorrows come, and come the joys.
Each has its place at the time of filling the life of wealth and meaning.


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