Saturday, March 19, 2011

Queens Courthouse Kew Gardens


March 15, 2011

The political situation was the citizens' movement that was Forum What muted assessment. A case of emergency: autism, is repeated a year later.
Last February 22 was approved by the Congress of Deputies a Proposal not of law for the " improvement of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder " presented by CIU and endorsed with amendments to the PSOE and PP (available in \u0026lt; > ).
do not receive this agreement political response on the part of citizens and various groups concerned, which is drawn for the near future is a system English health care only for autism provide cognitive-behavioral treatments.
Where shall in that case the plurality of treatments that have existed for decades in our country, and the right to choose from parents and affected the treatment they see fit?

And, finally, is that it is the CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) that will deal with the subjectivity of the person with impaired autistic spectrum, in particular as it does a human being can not be reduced to a description of their behavior? The answer is NO. Give the hegemony of autism treatment to CBT is a serious political error and civilization.

From Foroautismo platform (http:// \u0026lt; >) have initiated a number of political contacts in order to take into account the plurality of treatments and right to choose. We will also ask the media spread the "Letter to the uneasy political" that have addressed the political class, and we publish in this special issue, together with the Proposal not of law in question, to publicize the situation.

We headed back to you, who followed the preparation of the Barcelona Forum sponsored by the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis, or even participate in it, that this letter may have their echoes between those who advocate a model of civilization in which the word and it is supposed subjectivity are not violated. In fact, we are organizing a second Forum What muted assessment: voluntary easements (http:// loqueevaluacionsilencia. / \u0026lt; loqueevaluacionsilencia http:// . / > ) to be held June 11 at the Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid and where we can openly discuss new question. ;

We are collecting signatures in support of the "Open Letter to the uneasy political", you will read below. To sign it is sufficient to send an email with your name and tax number http://foroautismo @ / \u0026lt; mailto: > .
Your comments and suggestions are welcome
Neus Carbonell, Elizabeth Plaster and Ivan Ruiz

(Incorporated in the blog post 15/03/2011 MPA)


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